Achlys (I)

226 8 2

Chaewon's POV

I woke up to soft sheets, and the morning light trickled in through the blinds. It extended its vivid light across the deep crimson sky. My dream ended abruptly, as I was shaken back into reality.

My eyes were still shut as I soaked in the warmth of my covers before letting my caramel eyes see the sun's rays flowing through the window shining its light to the pair of eyes I owned.

My eyes opened, my eyelashes faintly batting against my lids when I blinked. Everything is blurry before it is processed. After some time, I can see everything clearly now. Slowly sit up, slowly wake up.

Knowing I have more time than needed to prepare, grabbing the school uniform that had been ironed the day before from the closet, I let it hang onto the bathroom's door as I walked towards the sink ready to brush my teeth and wash my face.

Walking leisurely to the shower only to let the steam fill the room as soon as switching on the shower, I bathe my skin lightly rubbing the body gel onto my body and shampoo on my hair thoroughly.

Finish getting myself ready including putting on my uniform, my feet take me to a certain room in this apartment making me face the computer displayed in it.

Typing the code to enter what's inside, there's a notification shown at the right top of the screen. Tapping onto it, a video is being played. And there is the person I am very familiar with. So familiar that I wish I didn't meet her in my life.

Her name you asked?


"I'm sure you have seen this video by the time the sun has risen. I know I haven't exposed myself lately because nothing really triggers my presence at this time.

But you know what?

Do you know why I suddenly sent this video?

Well, I made my investigation and looked at what I've found. So here's the plan, I'm going to take my revenge on those who are related to the family of the one who kills both of your parents. Let them know how it feels to lose the one they care about.

Anyway, that's it. Thought you might be curious and shocked if you know who is my target."

In case you didn't know, both of my parents died when I was only 10 years old. I was taken care of by my grandparents before they passed away a few years later leaving me alone in this cruel world.

You might think my parents died during an accident or some shit. But no, they had been murdered by their own best friends. I'm not sure of the whole reason why they murdered them but from what I've heard it's because of jealousy.

Jealousy... A simple emotion yet cruel enough to destroy any shape of relationship with just a snap of our fingers especially when the other gets what we want but it's not us who get it.

That's exactly what happens...

Mom and dad got killed by their own best friends because they got promoted to a higher position while they remain the same. Not my problem, my parents work extra hard for their achievement.

I've been living with sorrow and grief my whole life. Up to this day, I have yet to move on from their death. They're my parents after all. No matter what happens, I'll still love them with all my heart.

I didn't even manage to say a proper goodbye to them. Even if I did say it, I probably wouldn't be ready to let them go.

Anyhow, what's done has been done. I need to carry on my life and achieve my dream like what I know my parents hope for me.

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