Memory Lane (II)

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If you're tossin'
And you're turnin'
And you just
Can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song
Beside you

"I miss sleeping over at your house and staying up all night because we couldn't sleep," witnessing her smile is like witnessing a spring flower opens. The happiness comes from deep inside her- preferably her heart, spreading it to her eyes and into every part of her.

"What do you mean we? It's only you that can't sleep. I remember how mom always scolds us for not sleeping so I have to sing you a lullaby every sleepless night.

We still do that you know. Sleeping over and staying up all night. It's just that we're busy with school work and stuff so there isn't much time to kill with each other."

A sigh escapes from the older's lips while closing her eyes shut as if she was trying to go back to the past just to witness those good ol' days.

School holiday finally came- thank God! Which means the students can finally rest and just do things that they couldn't do during school days even if their parents scold them for wasting their holidays by playing video games all day.

It's not their fault that school just takes all of their time and they just couldn't find any time to enjoy themselves.

You might think holidays were about being together- spending time with your family. Good food, a good laugh, good company; it's so simple. That is what everyone said. But Chaewon isn't like that at all.

It's a school holiday for fuck sake. It's not like it was a public holiday where everyone can spend their free time at home or just spending time with their family; which means it's only here at home. Her sister is probably too busy with college to even bother.

'What should I do for the whole day?'


'Nah. I wouldn't want to stay awake all night later.'


'There's no food to eat.'

'Watch the television?'

'The channels are too boring. Probably just some news and overly replayed drama which should have been over months ago.'

Plopping herself to the couch only to stare at the white ceiling. Wanting to play with her cellphone, but she realised there isn't anything to entertain her the whole day. It was so pointless too.

Just then, her phone starts to ring as well as playing her weird marimba version of her favourite song.

'Must be Min.'

You must be wondering how the heck did she even know that it was Minjoo that was calling her? It's really simple actually. It's simply because she sets a different ringtone to Minjoo's contact. Plus, only Minjoo would call her at a random time like this.

Picking up the call, she answered, "what is it, Min?"

"Wanna come over to my place and if you want, we can have a sleepover. What do you think?"

Truthfully, Minjoo didn't have to ask at this point. She can just drag Chaewon's lazy ass and she wouldn't hear a single complaint from the older's mouth. Or even if Chaewon doesn't feel like going, Minjoo would be sulking all day.


Have you ever felt the pain of your best friends ignoring you and treat you as if you're not there? Yes, that's the hardship Chaewon had to go through in the past.

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