The Colour Of Sakura

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If you can love me
Through the season
Of a cherry blossom tree,
May the seeds
Of empathy grow deep
Within the soil
Of your soul

-Mel Corbeau


Most of the cherry blossom trees are often seen in light pink, but there are also dark pink blossoms. The colour may change while they're in bloom. For example, a blossom may open as a white flower and change colour to pink over a few days.

In China, the flower is associated with female beauty and dominance, as well as feminine sexuality. It ultimately symbolizes power and strength. However, within the Chinese herbal traditions, the cherry blossom is often a symbol of love and passion.

The enthusiasm and warmth of the cherry blossom offer the license to hope and dream of greater things to come and to look ahead with enthusiasm and optimism.

The blooming season of cherry blossoms is brief, resulting in instant beauty and immediate death of the flower as reminders of humanity and mortality since, like cherry blossoms, a human being's life can end at any given moment.

The human condition is epitomized through the cherry blossom, alerting people that life is too short to waste away and that people should live life to the fullest.

Trauma is the experience of severe psychological distress following any terrible or life-threatening event.

It is hard to help someone who pushes you away, but understanding the emotional symptoms that come after a traumatic event can help ease the process.

"It was her fault," the little girl whom Chaewon thought was her friend pointed at her with no guilt on her face.

"We said we didn't want to do it, but she forces us to do it," the other friend beside her blame everything on little Chaewon too.

'It wasn't me...

I didn't do anything...

Why are you doing this to me?' Chaewon thought.

She thought they were her true friends. She did everything they ever asked for just so she can make them like her, but I guess it didn't take her long to figure out they weren't her friend at all.

They're nothing but a backstabber and a two-faced.

Chaewon haven't had a new friend- Yujin and Yena are an exception, for 18 years of her life. Let alone a partner. She has been in a few groups who called themselves her friends before.

But she realises something...

When she has so-called friends, she only gets hurts along the way. she doesn't need them. She already has Yujin and Yena by my side, she doesn't need a new one nor she's anticipating for a new one.

"Chaewonie~~" a certain girl with a long wavy brown hair came to Chaewon's classroom making everyone to turn to her giving their attention which she hates the most.

"What do you want?" Chaewon asks almost sounded annoyed by the girl as she grabs the strap of her bag and put it around her shoulder.

"Let's go home together."

'Do I agree or do I reject her offer?' chaewon thought.

Before she could even say her answer, the latter has already clung onto her right arm dragging her out of the class. It happens too often that she doesn't really bother to stop the latter anymore.

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