Chapter 5 Danger

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I look straight and it was Rodrigo my ex he had a knife in his hands I was really scared he said to keep quite or he will kill me I was going to scream but he covered my mouth with his hands then he said walk you know what this is right it's revenge for not forgiving me I loved you so much .

At that time I bit his hand kick him in his private parts and ran of I ran as fast as I can I was only 1 block away when I see luis car driving to my house he stops he says are you ok amor I get in the car as fast as I can and I tell him Rodrigo wanted to kill me he was shocked he called Natali to tell her he found me .

We got home I went inside he did to then he grabs me and hugs me and say are you ok baby I said yeah , I was shocked and scared .


I was taking a shower while luis was down stairs Natali was there when I went down stairs i was scared I still had tears in my eyes. The door bell rings I jumped a little it was Gerardo i was still imaging Rodrigo with the knife the good thing Is that I defended myself .

luis was hugging me the whole time even if I still was mad at him from not stoping the fan from kissing him I still needed him right know .

Few minutes past Gerardo and Natali left luis was gonna stay with me over the night we slept in the couch I felt more safe there we cuddled he said he was sorry about what happen I forgive him I mean I have to understand that everything luis go's to a concert there's always going to be that one fan that kisses him.

The next morning I was awake because the door was ringing I was still scared I had to wake luis because I didn't want to answer the door he opens it , it was Natali and Gerardo they had food I went up stairs to change I came down luis was with his white muscle shirt he look cute .

We were done eating and then we made plans to go on a double date tomorrow we were going to the movies .

Luis and Gerardo went to luis house to get some cloths because he was going to stay in my house two more days and Natali stayed with me .

We talked about what happen I went to the bathroom upstairs when I got down stairs luis had a bunch of roses in his hand I went down stairs and give him a kiss in the cheek and a hug .

I put the roses in water and we all four spent the day together they tried to take what happen off my mind more they tried it was stuck there.

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