Chapter 29 Fun day

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I woke up throwing up , Luis was sleeping , so he didn't notice . I went outside to take some fresh air . When I got inside luis was yelling my name looking everywhere , I was just standing there until he would notice me , when he saw me he said " you scared me babe , I thought something happen to you !!!! " I said " no babe I'm fine , I just went outside to take some fresh air because I throwed up and felt kinda dizzy".

I took a shower , we got ready then Luis took me to a fair their were having . When we got there we got a ticket to enter , we went to the ferries wheel luis sat in front of me , I was scared when we were way up top , so luis sat beside me and hugged me .

When we got out of the ferries wheel , we went to these ride called ghost busters , you go inside a mini house , in a mini riding car and you shoot ghost who ever has the most wins , eventually Luis won , he had 20/20 I had 9/20 , I'm really bad at shooting . I was getting hungry , I told Luis, we went to get a pizza from the fair . We were done eating pizza , me and Luis talked for a little , then we left to look around .

We got bored at the fair , so Luis took me to and inside water park . First we went to our hotel to get our swimming suits and then we left to the water park . We got there , first we went to the twister , it's a water slide. Me and Luis went together and went down the slide . When we were done we went to a playground there , we were kissing when bunch of water falls down to us , I start laughing luis does too , when we looked up there was a bucket that was getting full every 10 minutes and throws the water down . We looked up waiting for the bucket to get full , when it was about to fall again we ran out of there and we went to the pool . We spent most of the time there playing around . We made mini challenges , who could swim faster , I was the fastest because I took swimming classes in high school , and other challenge we made was who could sit down under the water , we both could . We did some back flips and front flips and who could stand on their hands , Luis would last the longest .

When we were done with our challenges , we started throwing water at each other , I went under the water Luis does to and we start kissing . We went out of the pool , and we went to this water wave you get a surfboard and surf , Luis went and played , he lasted a lot on the surfboard, I didn't went because I'm bad at it and I'm pregnant.

Hours later

We went back to the hotel to get dressed up because Luis was going to take me to eat to this Mexican restaurant. When we got there , we got our sit's and talked about the baby and how many we were gonna have ,
Luis want 7 kids , I on the other side want 4 . We were sitting when Luis fans come towards him and hugged him and kiss him on the cheek , I was just their smiling and then one of Luis fans says "aww your so pretty .... Hey are you really pregnant " I looked at Luis and made him a sign if I should say yes or no , he did a sign of I don't know , so I said yes to the fan , she was like " awww I so happy for you guys ... These was going to be a teddy bear for Luis but here it's for you and your baby " the Luis says " aww muchas gracias mija !" I said thank you to her too and she took a picture with luis . Some of his fans from here knew that we were at the Mexican restaurant, since Luis post a picture of us . We were done eating , so we went back home , it was getting late so we went back to the hotel . When we got their I had a missed call from my mom , I was worried so I called her back , Luis called her mom to see how she is .

me - hey mom why did you call?
Mom - oh just to see how you are !
Me- oh mom you scared me I thought something bad happen .
Mom- oh no Mija everything is ok ... Mija is it true that your pregnant?
Me- ahh yeah mom !
Mom - congratulations Mija !
Me- thanks mom!
Mom- Mija well I'm go to sleep !
Me- ok mom bye !

Luis and my mom asked the same thing if I was pregnant, their were to curious about it . Me and Luis laid down on the bed and we fell asleep cuddling together like always .


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