Chapter 27 wedding day

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[ months passes ]

Today is my big day , I say with excitement waking up , I went to take a shower , then I ate I got a text from Luis saying " today is our big day baby , I love you" .

The make- up guy came , he started to do my make-up and hair when he was done he did my mom, luis mom , my sisters and Natali make-up and hair too. I put on my wedding dress , I looked at myself in the mirror , my mom comes up to me she said i looked beautiful, she started crying , then she did some prayers .

I went down stairs when my mom finished her prayers , my aunt Diana was there and her daughter which is my cousin Margarita , Margarita and Ashley are the same age there like sister/best friends .

[Luis POV]
I was getting ready , Gerardo was here with me . I'm nervous and happy , more happy then ever know that the love of my life is going to be with me forever .

{church }

I'm was really nervous , my dad was walking me towards luis , luis was really nervous . When we got to luis , my dad said to him " cuida mucho a mi reina aunque ya es tu reina " Luis said " con mucho gusto la voy a cuidar " .

Nayeli aceptas a Luis pal restos de tu vida en las mala y las buenas " says the Pastor, i say yes , then the Pastor asks luis he says yes .

Hours later } we were at the party , it was very sunny outside , me and Luis were dancing together ,then he whispers in my ear " you look beautiful, who ever thought that that girl walking at night crying because her boyfriend was cheating on him would be marrying me ........ Your the best thing that has ever happen to me !" I started to cry .

I danced with my dad we talked while dancing about how when I was little I talked on how I wanted my wedding .

It was time to eat me and Luis sat together . When we were done we ate cake .

Luis started so singing all of his romantic songs to me , a lot of his fans were there , a lot of his fans give us presents for our home .

Hours later } the party was almost over , I went to the bathroom to put on my black jeans with a white shirt because me and Luis were leaving for our honey moon , luis went to change too.

We were going to the airport , but first we were saying good bye .

We were in the plane , we sat down I put my head on luis shoulder , I was so tired my feet hurts from all the dancing we did , I saw luis he was tired too .

Me and Luis talked about the wedding while we waited for the plane to move .

LUIS- did you like the wedding babe?
Me - I loved it , but I so tired my feet hurts so bad ! , amor I'm not used to dancing that much .
Luis- haha me neither baby !
Me- so where going to be our honeymoon ?
Luis- I don't know !
Me- babe !
Luis - I can't tell you
Me - ok

the plane was already in the air , I fell asleep on luis shoulder , his head was on top of mine.

{ next morning }

I woke up luis wasn't by my side , I think he was at the bathroom .

Luis came he said " buenos días hermosa " i said good morning back . I looked outside the window we were almost arriving , it was ..................

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