chapter 56

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" Ahh ... can I dance with my wife please ! " I hear Luis say I just roll my eyes " Ahh thanks for dancing with me " I say while I let go and then go to my sit . I was pissed that Luis came up to us and interrupt us , I mean yeah I'm still his wife but we aren't at the same place right now . " What was that ?" Luis says in my ear " what was that ?!? Really you went and interrupt us , I may be your wife but right now we aren't at the same place so like you cheated on me I could do the same God damn thing " I say while I stand up to go to the bathroom . As I left the song I loved came up " dime que Si " memories came back tears fallen down my face . When I went to the bath I closed the door and looked at my in the mirror .

(Hour later)

We were going back Home , luis was on his car and mine on mine . When I got home Luis wasn't there I really don't care where he went . I open the door and go straight to the babies cribs I put them down in there cribs the I go to my room and but on my shorts with a shirt on . Then I went down stairs to take a drink of water , I wondered where have Luis left . When I was done drinking water I locked all the doors and windows . I then went upstairs and went to sleep .

-4 am-

I hear noises down stairs , I go check . When I was going down stairs it was luis he was drunk " Really Luis " I say with my confused " yes y is not like you care " he say trying to walk towards me . He almost fell but I grabbed him by the waist and his head on my shoulder " do you love me " " Luis don't start please" " yes or no " " ....yes but I can't right now " " Yes YES YOU LOVE ME " he says while putting his hands in the air and then to my face and kisses me . I kissed back because I missed him .


I woke up and went down stairs , Luis was feeding the babies " hey cuties .. hey Luis " I say in a nice way " hey Chula " " isn't that how you call you fans " " Yeah why? Is there something wrong with calling you Chula " " no I was just asking " I say while looking for something in the fridge . As I hear the babies go play I hear Luis coming towards me " so do you remember from yesterday " he says but wasn't I suppose to tell him that ? " Ahh no " I say trying not to talk about that " yes you do " " Ok I do " " Ok good because I don't only one part " " What part?" I say hoping it wasn't the kissing part " when we kissed ... you kissed me back ...oh and when you said that you still love me " " oh" I say while pouring orange in my cup . Then he grabs me by the waist and twist me towards him so I can be looking at him there was silence . Then his head comes towards me to kiss but his phone inturruptetd us . He went to the booth to talk while I did some scrambled eggs for both of us . " guess what ??" Luis says coming back with a smile on his face "what ?!" I say " by next week I'm going to perform at Nokia theatre " he says I gave him a hug because I was proud of him , Nokia theatre is really important for him . " felicidades luis " I say . Then he continued with what we had going on when his phone ringed , I kissed back of course " I know you miss me " he says in between kisses , then I stop kissing and I say sorry " why I'm the one suppose to say sorry " " I know but I'm sorry for separating the twins from you for a whole year and for not giving you a second chance or for being a bitchy last night at the party ..... I love you and I never want to let go of you " I say while tears came out " I love you to " then he hugs me back and my head was on his chest while his chin was on my head .


We eat our eggs " babe a donde vamos hoy en familia " luis says " al zoológico " divina says in her baby voice over hearing us " ok " we both say .

1 hour later

We got ready and went to the zoo , we move the sits of the kids to Luis car . While Luis drive he held my hand we looked at each other and smiled . I took out my phone and went on my social media which I haven't open since the day I left from Arizona . I take a picture of me and Luis and I say " guess who's back together ?" Yeah the fans already knew about this but they still supported us well that's what I saw on tv and right now on social media . The thing is they didn't know who was the girl who kissed Luis and Luis kissed back . 1 mintue past and i had 1057 likes and 200 comments they were all positive comments .

We were at the zoo , I took a picture of Luis and the twins and posted at all my social media .....

To be continued.

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I want to say thanks you for the 19k reads thanks for taking your time to read this book love you all

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