Chapter 42

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I woke up , I didn't feel like getting up or anything so I turn the tv from our room and watch Despierta América . Luis was still sleeping it was 8am so that was really early for him even tho when he has work he works those days , he does work today but later in the afternoon I'm going with him since I don't have nothing better to do .

"Good Morning beautiful!" Says Luis with a smile on his face .

" Good morning babe !" I say so into the TV .

" Ay ya amas mas a la televisión verdad ?"

" no I love you more " I say looking at him and grabbing his cheek .

" wait so you do love the TV ?!?!?"

" Yes haha "

We stayed in our room for a little bit then I went to take a shower when I got out I sneezed about 4 times in a row Luis kept on saying bless you. " Babe I think Ima get sick !!!" I say after my last sneeze , it's a really bad time for me to get sick right now in my pregnancy . Luis was done taking a shower he has changing when he was done we went downstairs me and Luis smelled pancakes . Prince and Yamile brought pancakes from I Hop we started to eat the pancakes . When we were done me and Yamile were cleaning up while Luis and Prince talked .


Me and Luis were leaving to the studio , when we got there I looked around I've never been there so I was surprised on how it looked , It was really elegant from the inside . Luis started to record some of his songs, first he started with " quiero ser tu dueño " in Banda version , I really liked it in Banda version .


We went to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings when Luis gave me a huge surprise " babe guess what !?!?!?" I made a weird face " what !? " " Where going to Minnesota!?!" I was so excited , I really wanted to go to the mall called Mall of America the bad thing is I wanted to go to the rides with Luis . I asked Luis when were we going to Minnesota he said next week even more excited , he was having a concert there that's why we were going to Minnesota . When we got home from recording Natali and Gerardo were there with Yamile and Prince . We talked Natali and Gerardo invited us to go eat but we just ate so we stayed home Yamile and Prince went with them . While we were alone at home we planned the trip , it was going to be cold so we needed a jacket .

When we were done with our packing and what to wear then we went to the living room and watched " Mi Corazon es tuyo " my favorite novela . I had my head on Luis chest when I looked at him , he was sleeping of course he dosen't like the novelas so he decided to fall asleep . I put my head again on his chest and watch he rest of the novela . When the novela was over I decided to tickle Luis more that I tried to he want ticklish to wake up , I think I was to weak . The I pulled up his shirt I could see his six pack he was so sexy . I started to make fart noises on his stomach, he didn't wake up , I got mad and went up stairs to our room . I laid down on the bed looking at my social media fans of Luis to name my baby girl like them but we already picked " Divina Paloma " . Luis comes and opens the door from the room I ignored him , he was just with sexy smile on and he said " baby .......... Amor .......... Mi Reyna ........ My nina traviesa !!!!! " I looked and my social media and didn't even looked at him a bit .

He laid in the bed beside me I turn my body from the opposite side of him , then he got way closer to me and every time he talked it would tickle me because he was talking deractly into my ear . I couldn't hold the laugh so I laughed then Luis say " that's what I wanted to see !!" .


Me and Luis woke up at 7 am to get reading to leave the airport , we were running late so we didn't have time to say goodbye to our parents .
When we were at the plane I had my head on Luis shoulder I was really tired so I fell asleep . When I woke up we were still on the airplane we had 4 hours left to arrive to Minnesota. " Hola mi Corazon ! " Says Luis with a smile . We talked during the the ride , we talked about how we met and how we became closer and closer to each other .


We arrived to Minnesota a lot of fans of Luis were at the airport he was taking pictures with them . Fans would give me gifts for the twins and some for me . When we got to the hotel first thing we did is open the presents because I was dying to see what they give my twins . A lot got them cloths and for my girl baby earrings and toys , shoes , lucky bracelets and for me rings , earrings , perfumes , makeup , lipsticks , nail polishes, rings and for Luis there Instagram accounts and teddy bear you know the usual that a fan girl would do . I told Luis to follow them back and he did .

When we were done we called our parents letting them know we got here safely. When we were done talking I decided to take a shower and then go to this mall called Roseville mall . I put on my red pants with a black fancy shirt and my long boots then I did my makeup I decided to make it natural when I was done with that I put on the earrings this fan gave me and some rings some other fan gave me .

We arrived at the mall it was pretty small but from the inside it was big it looked like the mall from Tucson . We went to all the stores well not all of them , then we went to the caribou inside there I ordered a white mocha coffee and luis ordered a chocolate mocha, we are so different in our coffee's . We sat down in the sits that were there when all of a sudden a fans screams and says "LUIS CORONEL " she comes towards him and hugs him then she hugs me I wasn't expecting a hug since almost all of his fans only hugs him . The girl said " you know all of luis fans love you too !" I said " oh really !?! " Yeah , I mean you made luis whole life brighter !" I just smiled and then she said " here this is a gift for the twins and there a gift for you to !" I grabbed it and hugged her and give her a kiss on the cheek luis hugged her to and give her a kiss on the cheek to she asked her mom " mom can you take a picture of me , Luis and her wife . We took the picture and she left then a lot of fans came and took pictures I just looked while looking at how much they loved Luis .


The mall was closing to we decided to go to chilies to eat and then go back to the hotel . When we were done eating we went back to the hotel put on our pajamas and went to sleep .

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