Chapter 48

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I woke up to give the babies there milk , Nayeli was going to give it to them but I told her I was , since she's been doing a lot ... She needed a little mini break . When I was done I changed there diapers . I put them back at there crib , when I went back to the room Nayeli was still sleeping so I decided to go back to sleep since it was really early .


"Dada " say Divina .... " OH MY GOD Amor ... Babe " I say shouting at Nayeli to come " what ... I'm changing Luisito " she say from up stairs so I decided to go upstairs with her " babe Divina said dada " " omg for real amor " she says with a smile on . We went down stairs to give the babies some food . They made a mess when they were done eating , so we decided to take them a shower . They could crawl , while Nayeli made the water warm , I picked the clothes for them while they were in the crib " Amor is this ok for divina " it was a pink shirt with a skirt " yeah babe it Great " . When the water was done she came to the room of the babies to change them to take a shower . " Babe look at our beautiful family we are making " I say while I hug her from her back with my hand in front holding her hands " yes amor " she says while she looked at me and we kissed . We showered the babies I put my boy in his clothes while my queen put my princess in her clothes .

When we were done Nayeli went to take a shower while I played with my twins in the living room .

[nayeli POV]

When I was done taking a shower , I got my clothes . I was going to wear this long green shirt that went down to my feet , it wasn't tight to my legs it was lose then I put on a white fancy long sleeve shirt that had an open in the back and it was lose from my arms and stomach , then I did my makeup I did my natural makeup and put on some pink lipstick when I was done I put on my white attached heels my hair was straight .

I went down stair were luis and the twins were " wow que quapa mi Reyna " luis says " thanks amor" I say giving him a peck on the mouth and then he go's to take a shower . While I waited I went on my laptop to check some things and on Facebook there was a video of luis it said ' Luis Coronel bailando la chona ' i preside it and started to watch it .


When he came out he had a ' express ' shirt ( for those who didn't know express , it is a store) with dark blues jeans and one of his Jordan's we just bought . " Babe did you see the video of you dancing la Chona " I say when his down stairs " oh babe you look so handsome like always! ..... But no " " Oh babe you so handsome like always " I say laughing because I didn't say it at first . He saw the video it made me crack up every time and the end .


We were going to my moms house because my birthday is coming up and she wanted a mini party for me which I didn't want too but oh well . When we were going to my moms house luis turned on the radio ' mi amiga , amante mi amor' from el dasa was on , it was my second favorite song , my first one is 'dime que Si ' .


We got to my moms house , luis mom , Bebe , Selena , kevin , Natali , Gerardo , Mireya and her husband and kids too . We say hi to everyone while getting the twins out of the baby's chairs , they already knew how to crawl at 6 months . They played around with Alison and Mireya girls . While we ate ' mija close tu ojos " my mom so funny , she speaks a little English . Luis cover my eyes while she went . When I open them it was cake , I was surprised " maa" . Then she grabs candle , she get 21 candles which I was turning . " vieja " I hear Bebe say I just laugh .


I did my wish and blow the candles . Then my mom was getting our presents , you might be wondering why am I doing my birthdays party today and not the day of my birthday , well it's because Luis is going to take me and the twins to Disney land and then we are going to Minnesota , Chicago , Florida , Texas , California and Oklahoma , there's more performance but I don't remember. We are leaving this Tuesday , and we are leaving on luis tour bus so he can have lots of rest when his done with his performance.

Ashley was showing stomach know , my mom is not happy about her being pregnant but she helps her through anything even on rough times but on the other side my dad hasn't talked to her since she told them she was pregnant. When we went to the living room Selena had something to say " ok umm estoy embarazada " we all congratulate her with hugs , she just found out this last week but she didn't know how to say it . Me and luis went up stairs to see if the kids were doing all right . They were doing just fine so we went back down stairs " babe are you happy that we are going on tour ?" Luis says " yeah babe we haven't gonna anywhere outside he state and I was getting bored here " " Haha ok "he said while we went down stairs .




It was getting late so we decided to go back home . When we got back home the babies wanted milk so we did there bottle of milk put them in the crib so they would fall asleep . When they were done they fell asleep , we went to our room and I changed into my pajamas luis did to . Then I took off my makeup and put my hair in a messy bun while luis make sure that the house was locked . I layed in bed when luis comes he hugs me and kisses me we talked about random stuff and we slowly fell asleep .



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