Chapter 30 zoo in Acapulco

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Me and Luis were getting ready to go to the zoo , luis was taking a shower while I did my hair . I stood up to get my phone when all of a sudden I fell really dizzy and fall.

[LUIS POV] I went out of the bathroom , when I see Nayeli on the floor , I go towards her as fast as I can lay her on the bed , I tried to wake her up , I think she felt dizzy because she was ok when I went into the shower . I waited there until she would wake up .

Minutes later

I woke up Luis was sitting on a chair besides me I told him if he had been their the whole time, he said "yes" , I stood up , my feet felt weird , so Luis told me to sit for a little .

One hours later

I was feeling much better , so me and Luis went to the zoo . We were walking around seeing the animals , Luis had his arm around my neck , we were eating popcorn with soda . We looked at the lions, tigers, bears , elephants, cheetahs, gorillas , monkeys ect.

We ate some hotdogs and we sat on the bench because I was getting tired of walking . Then we talked for a little and we walked around .

Hours later

It was getting late and the zoo was closing , so we left and went the beach close to the hotel . We played around like little kids the whole time . Then I laid down on the sand and relax , but then Luis comes up to me and scares me , I chase him , he started running , I got him then I hug him from his back , he turns and we kissed.

We went back to the hotel because they invited Luis to a party , I put on a black fancy dress with black high heels and Luis had this dark blue suit which he look hot .

We were at the party , it was one of his friends that lives in Acapulco , his friends name is Oscar , he was turning 20 . We danced a lot , I saw one of my old really old friend from middle school she's the girlfriend of Oscar . A lot of half drunk half not girls were flirting with Luis which it did get me kind of jealous , but then Luis told all of them " hey girls your all pretty but I'm married and I'm gonna have a baby so you should find a man who is Available " I had a smile on my face when he said that .

The party was getting to wild by the time almost all of the people in the party were drunk so we decided to go back to the hotel . I was done taking a shower , I came out crying , luis then says .

Luis - what's wrong babe ?
Me - I don't know , I'm crying for no reason !
Luis - is it because girls were all over me?
Me - part of it but I read that when your pregnant you get sometimes not all the times emotional!.
Luis - aww come here !

I went with him in the bed we cuddled , I stopped crying for all of a sudden . Then we talked about the party and how I saw my old friend their . We spent talking about like 2 am in the morning while watching TV . I was sad because our honeymoon was almost finishing , but at the same time happy that I was going to see my family .

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