Chapter 41

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We were at my mom's house with the whole family waiting for the new year to come . Me and Luis took our last picture for this year , we posted on our social media .

10 , 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 HAPPY NEW YEARS

Everyone in the house shouts, I hug Luis really tight and then we kiss then we hug the rest of our family . When we were done hugging we started to eat , my mom makes these delicious tacos Oh my god I can't even explain .

Luis and I were done eating so we went to the living room and sat by each other in the sofa we were talking about how we have 4 more months until our baby's come out . Luis started to talk to the baby and telling them happy New Years then he started to kiss my belly .

[Luis POV] I was in the living room with Nayeli because relatives were coming and they were gonna eat but there was no sits . I was kissing Nayeli's belly she was laughing I think she was laughing because it was tickling her . When I was done kissing the belly I look at her eyes for about 4 seconds and then I told her " your the best thing that has ever happen to me " and then we kissed .

1 AM

We were partying the New Years . I went upstairs to the bathroom when I got out of the bathroom Luis was just standing there waiting for me .


Me- hey amor why are you here !?
Luis- I'm waiting for you !.
Me - haha ok pues !.

We went back down stairs people were starting to leave back to there homes . We were gonna stay in my moms house and then the next day we go back to our home . Luis mom is going to stay to because it's to late for her to be driving back home alone . I went to my old room which it still looks the same when I left it but without any clothes I only left a pair of pajamas that don't fit me right now because I'm pregnant , so I slept with the jeans I had on and my shirt Luis slept with his pants and he was shirtless.


I woke up Luis was on his phone checking through his social media " ay tu con tu celular! " I say smiling he just smiles at me . We go down stairs eat breakfast with our family then we got back home . Yamile and Prince were already eating breakfast when we got there . I went to take a shower because Luis was going to take me somewhere special. When I was done taking a shower I put on some white jeans with a fancy hot pink shirt and my makeup with a pink lipstick and my wavy hair and some white cute slippers . Luis went to take a shower while I talked to Yamile .


We were in a fancy restaurant I didn't know they had restaurant opened . Luis says " this is day is for only us ! " I smiled . We were eating while talking about random stuff like when we get old how are we going to look luis like always was making fun of me . We were done eating dinner then I ordered some cheesecake my favorite Luis ordered another cheesecake for him , his had strawberry. Luis rented movies from redbox like the old days when we were boyfriend girlfriend . We rented scary movies Yamile and Prince were there so they were going to watch it with us .

Luis on almost every scary part would scare me , I jumped on almost every part of the movie Luis would just laugh at me . Then in one scary part luis was so focus on the movie that I scared him that he screamed like a little kid I started to laugh so hard , he just smiled when he was done screaming and then he gave me a kiss on the cheek .


We had an appointment to see how our baby's were doing . We were at the appointment the doctor started to put gel on my belly . Few minutes have past and she says " your baby's are fine the pain that you been having is because there moving and kicking that why sometime it hurts really bad " I just took a deep breath and thank god my twins are healthy and ok .

When we got out of the clinic we went to buy some decorations for the room of the twins and then we were going to Walmart and target for some groceries . When we got home Luis went to put the decorations while I put the groceries , he said it was a surprise. When I was done putting away the groceries I went upstairs and I saw luis put the decorations " HEY your not suppose to look amor !!!! " He says and I right away close my eyes with my hands . I went back down stairs and turn the radio on the first song that comes up is " Mil te Amos " Luis started to sing I just laughed .


" Babe I'm done with the decorations!" Luis says with excitement, we go up stairs and he says " do you like it amor !?!!" I say playing around " no it looks terrible!!!" He puts on a sad face then I start laughing " hahaha babe I'm playing , I love it thank you !" He put on a smile on and hugs me . Luis and I where making dinner , first time we make dinner together . We made enchiladas verdes , they were so delicious with there sour cream and Mexican cheese , luis ate 4 and I ate 3 . Yamile and Prince were at Prince mom house celebrating her birthday day .

When we were done eating we went to the living room , I laid my head on Luis leg he had his hand on my belly while I was on my phone . I was fallen asleep when my phone drops on my forehead , Luis starts laughing and I do too . Then luis bends down and gives me a quick kiss on the mouth .


[Yamile POV] we were at the house Nayeli and Luis were sleeping in the couch , so I decided to tell them that they should go to bed so they would sleep better . " Nayeli ... Luis you guys should go to bed so you two could sleep better " I say trying not to scare them .

[ My POV] I was sleeping when Yamile wakes me and Luis up she said we should go to bed so we can sleep better . Luis got up and helped me get up because of course I cant with my belly . We said good night to Yamile and Prince and we went upstairs to our room and went to sleep .

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