Chapter 35

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Five months past

We were going to see the babies and their gender , me and Luis were so happy . When we got there , they put gel on my belly . We waited for the doctor to tell us the gender .

[few minutes]

The doctor told us the sex of the babies . she says it a boy and a girl , me and Luis were so happy . I cleaned my belly , then Luis and I called our moms and told them . We went to buy paint we decided to buy yellow since its for boy and girl with cartoon animals . I can't barely move with my big belly , luis is alway making fun of me but his just playing around with me.

Christmas is coming , and I don't know what to give Luis , he hasn't really told me much , but I have I only want clothes for our babies and that's all . We went to eat and then went back home so we can start painting the room .

Hours later

We were painting the room , all of a sudden I paint luis arm and he say " oh no babe " he starts laughing and he paints on of my cheeks .

I went downstairs to get another bucket of paint while luis was in the Twins room painting . I start screaming because the twins were kicking to hard . Luis hurries downstairs he grabs my belly from one arm and the other my back , then he says " amor que pasa?!?!!" I say the twin are kicking to hard .... Babe it hurts really bad " . Luis put me in the couch , I was taking deep breaths which it calmed me down .

Minutes later

I was fine , luis went back to paint the room he didn't let me help him but I still helped him .

We finished painting the room , and then we ordered some pizza and watched movies . When we were done watching the movies , I couldn't get up the couch , so Luis grabbed my hands and pushed me up . He was laughing because I couldn't get up .

I went to take a shower and went to sleep, I was so tired for no reason . Luis stayed in the living room because on of his friends came .

[luis POV] my friend left , I went to bed , I saw Nayeli in a really deep sleep she had one of her hand on top of her belly . I laid close beside her and grabbed her hand .

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