Chapter 13 Alone together

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I woke up by the most beautiful kisses in the worlds luis kisses , he was kissing my cheek because he couldn't reach my mouth , I was pretending that I was sleeping because if I woke up he would stop kissing me but then he started going to the part that tickles neck , I started to laugh so hard he said "what's wrong baby " I told him that I was ticklish in my neck he started to laugh . On purpose he started tickling me and with his kisses . When he stop we looked straight at our eyes for two seconds and then kissed .

I stopped him because I was going to make breakfast , I stood up going to the kitchen when he starts running towards me , I start running but he catches me and grabs me by the wast we started hugging each other


Luis- mi amas ?

Me- si

Luis - how much baby ?

Me - mucho

Luis- que pocoito

Me - ok asta el cielo y la estrellas , y tu?

Luis- mas que el cielo y las estrellas

Me- I love you !

That moment was romantic for us .

We went to go eat to a restaurant luis mostly knew around California , then he took me to the park we sat down in the bench he got his guitar out and he started to sing " me muero por verte " I cried of happiness and kissed him in the cheek and hugged him then he told me .


Luis- this is the song the one I dedicated to you in the concert .

Me- I love it baby

Luis - don't cry amor why are you crying baby?

Me- I don't know I just love the song I love you baby

Luis - I love you too !


That afternoon


I was packing my stuff to go back to Arizona with luis we are leaving tomorrow I have to see the stupid ass of my sister .

In that moment I turned on my phone i saw 71 messages and 60 calls of Luis , I told luis to come to the room I showed him my phone then he said "wow , that is how much I love you " I started blushing , he grabbed my cheek and gave me a kiss on the forehead .


That night


Since the couch was to uncomfortable he slept with me in the bed we talked about how many kids we wanted and how were we gonna look when we get old ,. My head was on his chest I could hear his heart .

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