Chpater 31 back home

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One week later

Me and Luis were at our sweet home , Arizona . We went to our house to unpack our clothes, then we went to my parents house . We were already there , luis mom was their . We hugged and said our hello's then we started talking about the baby , which I did a appointment to do my ultrasound which its gonna be tomorrow.

The whole family went to eat . When we were done eating we went back to luis mom's house , she give me a blanket it was yellow , since we didn't know the sex of the baby yellow would fit with boy and girl .

Hours later

We went to our house to unpacked some of our stuff . Me and Luis agreed that by the time we know the sex of the baby we're gonna decorate the room , the room was big for one baby . We were excited that tomorrow we were gonna see are little one , when Luis receives a call he say " hello ...... Oh tomorrow what time ? ...... Oh it because tomorrow I'm gonna see the ultrasound of my baby and it that time ....... Oh ok well I'll be there " I told Luis what was wrong ?!?.

Me - babe .. What's wrong ?!?
Luis - tomorrow I have to go to the studio at the time were going for the ultrasound.
Me - oh it's ok babe these things happen ...... Look don't worry it's your job you have to do it for your fans ok.
Luis - ok .... This is why I love you !
Me - just for this ?!?
Luis - no for other things that I love about you .

We went to our room started kissing , Luis started kissing me in my neck and well you know the rest .

* Next day *

I woke up took a shower , got ready for my appointment. Luis was already at the studio . I was at the appointment waiting for them to call my name , " Mrs. Coronel " the doctor say with a smile on her face . I got were she's at and takes me to a room then she says " so since when are you pregnant?" I said " about 1 week already " she says "ok " while gel on my belly , she started looking at the screen . 2 or 3 minutes fast , I was worried because she kept looking at the screen , then she gives me a towel to clean my belly , while I cleaned my belly I told her what was wrong ?!? , then she says " well Mrs. Coronel your going to have baby twins " my jaw dropped when I heard baby twins .

I was in the car , then I send a text to Luis saying " hey babe can we go somewhere to eat when you are done recording ? " He read it right away he said " ok babe , I can go know I'm on break " .

We were going to meet in chipotle, I was waiting in my car looking over Facebook , Instagram and Twitter , when Luis scares me . I got out of the car gives him a tight hug he said " why the tight hug babe " I said you'll know soon .

We were eating then he says " babe why did you want to meet here .... Is something wrong with the baby " then I did the s sound he didn't get it .

Luis - what ?!?!
Me - ssss
Luis - amor what are you talking about ?!?!
Me - we are going to have the same copy of the baby !!
Luis - amor I don't get you .
Me - ok ... We are having twins !!!!
Luis - oh my god , amor this is going to be great !!

Luis was really happy when I told him. We had a plan we are going to have a family/friend meeting and tell them at our house but it is for tomorrow since Luis is going to be busy the whole day .

Hours later

I went to visit my mom , Selena was there . I got the news that Selena is getting married with Kevin I'm happy for her that she found her true love and Ashley was with her boyfriend at the movies I'm glad for her too . I spent the whole day there , but then I left to go visit luis mom and talk for a little .

It was getting dark so I left home . I got home Luis wasn't there yet , I was really tired so I went to bed .

12 pm. *


I came home really tired , I went to the room Nayeli was sleeping . I decided not to make to much noise so she won't wake up . I gave her a kiss on the cheek and went to sleep .

Luis Coronel [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now