Chapter 53

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I went to Luis house because Selena called that there was trouble between Nayeli and Luis . Once I got there , I opened the door I saw Luis on the couch laid down with 6 big bottles of Tequila . I cleaned the mess and then woke up Luis , it took me some good ass time to wake him up , when we woke up I gave him some coffee so his head wouldn't hurt much he drinker it then I told him what happen between with him and Nayeli . " Bro what happen between you and Nayeli" I said while I looked at him drink his coffee " well I .... Was at the studio with Becky and .... Well we said the truth that I liked her she likes me and we agreed to date in secret and we kissed and Nayeli saw us she left crying and well you know where it go's " " What the hell is wrong with you why the hell would you be dating in secret when you already have a family , Luis you did a big mistake ... You lost your family bro your not gonna them again because Nayeli is never gonna forgive you " I say and I leave because I didn't want to here the rest " please don't mom " " I wouldn't because that would disappoint her " I say opening the door .


'What did i do ' those words kept repeating in my head , I did I big mistake I ruin Luis family and I ruin mine with Austin by telling him a lie . I stayed in my room almost the whole day yesterday and today . My sister Stephanie came inside " Beck what's wrong you've been in this room the whole yesterday and today " she say while she comes towards my bed wear I was laying down " " No-nothing " I say with tears not wanting to look at her face " you no you can tell me everything ...right " " I SAID THERES NOTHING GOING ON STEPHANIE !!! " I said in a mad voice wanting her to leave my room " fine " she says and she leaves .


I stopped at a gas station when I receive a message from Bebe .

B - Hey , I know what happen between you and Luis ... Don't worry I'm here to support you , if you want to tell me where you're are .. I promise to my mother I won't tell Luis because he actually did a big mistake and I don't want you to leave somewhere far from us where I wouldn't be able to see my nephew and niece .
N - thanks Bebe and I'm going to Texas , I want to go back but where am I gonna stay? ... I can't go back to Luis house and if I go with my parent for sure my dad is gonna beat the shit out of him and well you know i can't go to your moms house because she's going to get upset with Luis .
B - it's ok Nayeli I get you now can I go visit when you get a place ?
N - yeah your more then welcome !


I got back in my car and when off to the road , the twins were sleeping again . I was 3 hours away from Texas I was close to almost be home . For now I was going to stay at a hotel because I didn't find out where my grandma lives because I forgot .


I was arriving to Texas I didn't know where the hotels were so I stopped at a gas station and looked it up on my phone . The twins just had a awoken I bet they were really tired so I got my self ready and drove to the hotel I found the closest hotel 2 blocks away from here so I left to the hotel . When I got there the first thing I did was get my babies out of there car sit and when in the hotel . I got my hotel room it was 245 it was the second level of the hotel .


I took a shower and stayed in my twins room for a while ' what if I don't see my babies no more ???' 'What if I don't see my queen my everything anymore ?' Those questions kept running through my had .. I did a big mistake that I'll regret for the rest of my life .


I got home my mom right away saw my sad face " mijo que tienes??" " Nada ama " " Mijo ...." "Ok pero no se vaya a poner triste ok " "ok mijo" "Luis estaba con Becky y se besaron y Nayeli lo mero y se fue a Texas con bebe's " " No puede ser " I could see my mom disappointment in her eyes . She started cry for of course Nayeli and the babies " quiero ir a ver a Luis " I didn't want her to go because luis was way to drunk " no ma major mañana ok " " Esta bien " she said while tears were falling down i knew she was crying of disappointment and if sadness knowing that she may not see her grandkids and Nayeli for at least 1 year or less .


Hey guys hope you enjoyed it I know it was short but I have lots of coming for the next chapter 🎉

So please give this a vote and comment what you think is going to happen next and if you guess it I'll give you a shout out on my chapter 📣 BYEEE .

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