Chapter 20 Valentine's day

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We were at Taxes, luis was practicing for his performance , I was just there watching him , he looked really nervous and that was weird since he never gets nervous when he has a performance.

When I was practicing I was thinking how was I going to ask Nayeli to marry ? Then I had an idea !

Few hours later

Me- babe I don't mean to interrupt your practice , but I'm hungry !
Luis - oh really baby what do you want to eat ?
Me- I don't know..... Subway ?
Luis - Ok let's go !

When we were there , we ordered and then we ate .

Me- hey baby why are you so nervous , your never nervous when you have a performance ?
Luis - I'm always nervous when I have a performance!
Me - ok then ..

[LUIS POV] she notice that I was nervous, of course she's going to notice she has seen me practice before .

Few hours later

The concert was almost ready fans were already waiting to get in . I went back stage then I saw Luis sitting down praying , I didn't want to interrupt him so I waited for him to finish his prayers .

When he was done we saw me and hugged me so tight I almost ran out of breath , it was time for him to sing so he quickly gives me a kiss in the mouth .

I went where all the fans were , luis singed romantic songs since it was Valentine's Day , when he was almost done he said " quiero que venga mi novia aquí con migo " i came up stage then this man brings roses with a teddy bear and gives it to luis then he says " para la mujer que yo mas amo" i give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek , I was blushing . " esta canción te la dedicó mi amor , se llama " Dime que si "

Escucha no digas nada,
solo quiero pedirte un favor,
déjame acercarme,
llevo queriéndote tanto tiempo,
me ha quedado en silencio.

Tal vez suena apresurado,
me atrevo a salir de este rincón,
donde me ha quedado,
metido callado por tanto tiempo,
y hoy digo lo que siento.

Soy aquel,
que siempre te vio a escondidas,
y que tras de él
y yo esperando una oportunidad
hoy lo haz dejado,
y yo sigo enamorado,
dime que debo hacer.

Estoy aquí,
urgido esperando que me digas que si,
permiteme ser tu dueño,
estoy muy ilusionado,
y contigo obsesionado,
anda ven dime que si,
anda dime que si.

Tal vez suena apresurado,
me atrevo a salir de este rincón,
donde me ha quedado,
metido callado por tanto tiempo,
y hoy digo lo que siento.

Soy aquel,
que siempre te vio a escondidas,
y que tras de él
y yo esperando una oportunidad
hoy lo haz dejado,
y yo sigo enamorado,
dime que debo hacer.

Estoy aquí,
urgido esperando a que me digas que si,
permiteme ser tu dueño,
estoy muy ilusionado,
y contigo obsesionado,
anda ven dime que si,
anda dime que si.

When he was done singing he gets on one knee takes out a little box , and he says " mi amor .... Te quieres casar con migo?" I start crying and of course I say yes! , then he put the ring in my finger and we hug and kiss , all of his fans start saying " awwww" .

When we were back stage getting ready to go , we kiss then I see a tear from Luis and then I tell him.

Me- baby don't cry !
Luis- why? I'm happy that you said yes ..... I love you
Me- I love you to and this time it's forever !

Since it was late we went to sleep in a hotel , we got a bed for one so we could sleep together .

When we were in are room I lay down in the bed and Luis besides me , then I cuddle with him and we fell asleep .

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