Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 - A Get-Together?

A few days have passed. Nothing of interest came up, just the usual work-at-home and taking care of Kid kind of jazz. That venture in the park ended without too much problem -just lots and lots of staring from a particular man. Doflamingo left soon after dropping us off, saying that he has a meeting in a few minutes.

Now that you are on that topic, you haven't visited the office -or the underground- ever since you adopted the redhead. The thought of bringing the toddler to your huge company building, where there are a lot of people, just doesn't seem like the way to go. And don't get started in taking him to the underground area. Yeah, nope.

Hence why you have been stuck at home with your lovely son; nothing to worry about since work can be done even with the given circumstance. You have to thank the digital era for that. 

Kid rang the small bell you have propped by his play area, simply playing with it as he has previously done. You situated one there with the notion of catching your attention in case he needed it. The last thing you want is for the lad to crawl towards you -his knees would surely be sore given the length from your table and his position. The toddler seemed to relish it as well for he fiddled with the bell at times; confusing you when he would plainly sit there, staring. 

It was entertaining since he believes that you would glance at him. Others would have gotten annoyed after a while, not even bothering to look after a few attempts. However, you quite enjoy the brief interaction. 

*Ding* *Dong* 

You peered up, turning towards the window when you heard your doorbell ringing. Good thing you have your office situated just above the entranceway, making it easy for you to see who is by the door. 

The redhead was also curious by the sudden sound, peeking at your form to see you stand up. With that signal, he swiftly shifts onto the small bell, using his powers to make the metallic body of it move -something he has learned to do after growing annoyed amidst needing to move back and forth. 

You gazed at your son, noting how his arms are already propped up for you to carry. Of course, he would want to come with you. Ruffling his fiery red hair, you soon pulled him up to your chest, letting the lad bring a toy with him. 

"It appears as though a scarecrow is looking for us." You snicker, noting how the man is already reading his infamous book down below. Kid merely tilted his head, nodding along even though he doesn't understand what a scarecrow is. 

You casually strolled to the living room, taking a piece of caramel candy along the way. Opening the door, you popped the sweet into your mouth, saluting at the silver-haired man in greeting. Kakashi sighed at your nonchalant attitude, deeming that if you won't be acting professional then he might as well do as he please.

With that thought in mind, he sauntered inside, ruffling your hair in the process. Moreover, the newcomer did stare a little longer at the toddler on your arms -he won't even bother. You chuckle when you caught their small interaction, knowing that Kakashi was one of those who would simply go with the flow. 

"Not gonna ask?" You teased, slightly presenting your son towards the odd man. Kid just stayed at your arms, watching like he always does. 

"The younger ones have sent us a picture already, doesn't surprise me anymore," Kakashi grunted, remembering the time when he was flooded with images of you and your son. All of it looks as though they were taken without your knowledge -which he wouldn't even ask. 

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now