Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 - Babysitting

"Good morning, gentlemen." You greet, smirking at the two engineers. One is covered in soot while the other looks as though he hasn't slept for weeks. 

Kid stayed resting on your arms, blinking boredly at the brothers in front of him. He has seen them at his birthday party, having been gifted a small working ship. The lad has been completely enamored, having used it in the bathtub as a replacement to his rubber ducky. 

It is seven in the morning, a perfect chance to have breakfast. Good thing you and your son were there in the nick of time because if you didn't, Franky and Iceburg would have skipped the meal. Moreover, the duo was surprised to see the sun all up and ready. They tend to ignore their alarm clock whenever they get too focused.

"Good morning as well, Y/N-chan, Kid-kun." Iceburg smiled politely at both of you. He was startled when Pauly barged into his office, saying that you and a brat arrived. The babysitting plan had completely left his mind, he won't tell you that though. 

"Super morning!" Franky greeted, leaning over to grin at the little redhead. The blue-haired was busy working on a new weapon, albeit secretly.

The government already has them on their radar, wouldn't want that information leaked out. Besides, he made sure to put that iconic big red self-destruct button just in case. He'll have to test that out later -for fun. 

The duo lets you and Kid inside, strolling right at the dining area. The drive here was long so you got a bit too hungry, fortunately, your son has some biscuits he can nibble on during the ride. That is why you made the effort to purchase some take-outs. Those poor workers were glaring as they handed you three paper bags worth of food. 

It was kinda your fault since they just opened and you were their first customer, but you did make sure to give them a generous tip. 

Small hands reached out to Franky, a curious glint on the toddler's eyes as he stared at the metallic nose. You gladly gave the boy to the beaming lad, relieved that Kid is comfortable enough to be held by someone else. He is starting to get rather heavy, training him to walk isn't getting anywhere so you hoped his babysitters would help you with that. 

"That's a lot of food. Are you going to finish all of that?" Iceburg commented, peering inside the paper bags. He watched as you took a large portion of mac and cheese and plop it into the dining table.

"Nope, but my son will." You shrugged, gesturing to Kid.

Franky has already emptied a bag, beginning to feed the young redhead. Your son's growing weight has a good reason behind it. The fact that you have to cook three portions every meal was concerning since you're not too sure if he can digest all of it. But Marco and Rosinante assured you that children with devil powers tend to be like that. 

Iceburg merely sweatdropped, not questioning the sight of a 2-year-old eating a big ass helping of cabbage rolls. You gladly hand the boy a glass of water with a metal straw in it -wouldn't want him to choke. You'll let Franky take care of your son for you. He is, after all, Kid's babysitter for the day.


Amber eyes stared at a pair of dark orbs. The two maintained eye contact for who knows how long, just watching -observing- the actions of the other. Tyrannosaurus casually circled around them, not at all bothered by the silence. 

Pauly casually peered inside the office, blinking boredly before deciding that he doesn't want to be a part of whatever is transpiring. Franky is in his factory, currently working on his beloved weapon. He's already putting the finishing touches, he'll be back to take care of the toddler once he's done. 

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum