Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 - Preschool

Makino and Chiffon smiled comfortingly as they watch the weeping boy. The other children are already staying inside their assigned classrooms. A few more kids are strolling inside, brought by their parents. 

The two ladies are conducting the Preschool class, while Heracles and Bellmere are the ones conveying the Kindergarten section. Terracotta, Igaram's wife, is also part of the staff. Though, she's mostly there for preparing snacks for the youngsters.

"It'll be fine, Kid. Your friends are inside, you won't be lonely." You whispered as you patted the lad's back. He sniveled on your arms, not wanting to be left alone in an unknown place. Maybe you should have visited the site with him before the actual day, just so he doesn't find it foreign.

"No." Kid refused, rubbing his tearful face on your maroon suit. He doesn't like the idea of going to school -at all. Yeah, he's fine with learning but only when you're the one who teaches him, or there is no one else but him during the lessons. 

Though you don't exactly agree with that. You'll gladly consent to it later on in the future if he is still uncomfortable with the idea. However, for now, you'll let him experience going to school and meeting children his age. For all we know, he might enjoy attending classes.

In addition, there is not much you can teach him as he grows up. It's better for Kid to learn and experiment with his powers in a supervised space, especially since the people tasked with the job are more knowledgeable about that field. 

Amber orbs swiveled around the area, trying to comprehend the colorful and bright building. There is a surrounding garden in front as well, illuminating the theme and vibe of the place. While the little boy is glancing around, he made eye contact with a certain pair -a father and son casually strolling inside for the first day of preparatory school.

You gave Rosinante a nod, greeting the silent man. Some of your friends have already dropped their daughters and sons, a few you haven't gotten to see since they arrived as soon as the sign said 'open'.

Law has a smug look on his face when he noticed the tears streaming down the redhead's cheeks, amused by the 'pitiful' sight. That expression is the cherry that tops the cake, egging your son to loath the idea of going to preschool much more. If he's going to see that ugly face throughout the class, then he'd rather spend the time with you in your office. 

Staring blindly on a tower of paperwork seems more up his alley. At least he'd be with you and your employees. 

"I'm not going!" Kid declared once more, his short arms wrapped tightly around your neck. You have to wonder how you haven't choked yet. "Don't wanna!"

Welp, this is gonna be a problem. You and the lad arrived just on time, but if this continues, you're not too sure if he would even be able to make it. Worst case scenario, you'll be attending the first day with him. And although that might be a good idea, you actually have a meeting with Whitebeard later on today.

That ancient grandpa doesn't exactly fancy rescheduling without prior notice.

Makino and Chiffon must have gotten the gist since they started to approach you both. By now, you and Kid are the only ones outside -the rest already inside. You gave the duo a sheepish grin, grateful for the help. 

"Kid-kun, don't you want to play with us? The other children would love to meet you." Makino smiled, gently ruffling his fiery hair. The young lady is perfect for the role, assisting here ever since she was a teenager. The devil spawns have always loved her for some reason, must be the motherly vibe thing.

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now