Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 - Noble

The faint sound of chattering can be heard outside the small room you and Kid are in. It is the second day of the celebration and what better than to start it with breakfast in one of the cafes you own.

You have reserved a room last night, having the courtesy to inform the staff even if they always have a spot prepared for you. It was also no surprise that the employees have decorated the place to your liking as well.

The room was maroon themed, slightly matching your son's cat onesie. The act was appreciated and everything was cute and matched well. Yet you have to wonder why it always has to be some shade of red.

Then you realized, like the idiot you are, that your son has fiery red hair. By now, the whole country should be aware of you adopting a son with the help of the fucking paparazzi. And it won't be a surprise if some pictures have already floated into the internet.

It was kinda naive of you to think that the news wouldn't spread that fast. With almost everyone not minding their damn business, of course, it would reach every corner of the country. Heck, you won't be surprised if the whole world knows about it by now.

As of right now, Kid is playing by your side. Focused on all the toys and trinkets that were placed by the staff. He was feeling much better now that the two of you are alone.

The little redhead was skeptical at first when you both arrived in the cafe. It was hard seeing a lot of people crowded just for a chance to eat the pastries that were being sold. It was buzzing even as early as 7 am. And that scared the shit out of him.

Like every other enterprise that you own, this one is quite famous in the area as well. Though, it wasn't as well-known compared to the sweet stores that Big Mom has. Still, it gains a lot of profit.

"Kid, want do you think of this?" You questioned the child as you position the menu facing him.

You were pointing on a cinnamon roll that you most likely know he would like. You don't really need to ask your son but you still did as a habit. Talking to him even though he can't respond was a normal action to you by now.

Kid promptly turned his head towards your direction, hearing his name being called out. He peered at you for a second before glancing on the photo you were gesturing at. Your son didn't know what it was nor did he care.

Still, seeing your beaming face was all the child needed as he slowly nodded in response. If you have chosen it for him then he trusts that it will be good. Like every other stuff you have given him.

You grinned at Kid once again, reaching your hand to pat the child's head. After the small action, you proceeded to tap the transmitter to let one of the employees know that you are ready to order.

It didn't take too long for a young woman to come inside the room, paper already in hand. The sudden appearance of the stranger was noticed by your son, making him crawl closer to your figure. You promptly plopped a hand for him to hold onto.

"Ready to order, Y/N-sama?"

"Hai. I'd like the special sandwich, two cinnamon rolls, and some macarons please." You told her, pointing at each order in the process.

"And for the beverage?" She smiled as she lists down everything on a piece of paper. The woman peeked at your son for a moment, trying not to squeal when she glimpse at what he was doing.

The little redhead was trying his best to not be seen. And the way he decided to do that was by hiding below the table. However, Kid wasn't doing as good as he thought he was since the waitress could still see his head. As well as his small hands as it grips onto your own.

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin