◇ Ending Special 1◇

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Ending Special 1
Killer and Kid - Orphanage

"We are here today in front of the supreme court, where the case of Eustass Kid's adoption is taking place!" A news reporter declared as he stared straight at the camera, reading his script from a teleprompter. He's not the only person surrounding the building. A lot more paparazzi joined as well as civilians wanting to hear the ongoing gossip. 

"As we all know, the young boy has been adopted by Eustass 'Princess' Y/N, a well-known businesswoman. However, the orphanage where she got the child has raised concerns that the foster mother couldn't hand them the birth certificate and other documents of Kid. Hence, they claim that the boy is still technically an orphan under their jurisdiction." The anchor continued amongst the chaos. "But apparently, the late Y/N-sama has properly filed the adoption papers according to one of her employees."

Murmurs heightened as vehicles began rolling in front of the building. Cameras flashed, wanting to capture the faces of those included in the case. This is currently the biggest scoop, especially with how it's only been a week since the announcement of Eustass Y/N's death. 

They didn't even give the poor boy a chance to mourn his mother.

"They're here!" 

"Mr. Shanks, Mr. Dracule!" 

"Is Kid-sama there as well?!"

Rayleigh stepped out of the vehicle first, clothed in a black formal outfit. Shakki followed behind him as she held onto Kid's hands -the only thing guiding the lad right now. They are to serve as witnesses in court since apparently, Y/N wrote them letters that can also work as proof. Also, why wouldn't they be here?

The shouting of the paparazzi couldn't get any louder than that. Almost all that the three could see were white flashes, not even distinguishing if Y/N's friends were among the crowd. 

Shanks has a severe expression as he stands next to the Dark king. It was apparent that the redhead was pissed with what was happening. Not only are they still trying to find out what exactly happened prior to your death, but now some bastard decided to file a claim regarding your son's adoption. Can't anyone read the damn mood?

Mihawk also joined along since he is one of the legal guardians of the boy listed by you. He situated himself behind Kid as he observed any possible threats. Golden orbs watched the youngin like a hawk, wondering just how the lad is able to cope right now. From that neutral expression to those dead eyes, it was evident that the 7-year-old should be at home instead. 

But, the judge deemed it necessary for your son to be there. 

"Rayleigh-san, what do you have to say about Y/N's death?!" A woman shouted amongst the crowd. A mic is just about pushed on his face if it weren't for the fact that a guard is surrounding the group. 

The older man didn't bother giving the person any ounce of attention as he stared ahead. The case is going to start soon; all would be revealed after that anyway.

"Mr. Dracule, Mr. Shanks, does this mean one of you will be taking care of Kid instead?!" 

The duo glanced at the individual who asked, staring him down in utter silence. That seemed to shut the interviewer up since he took a step back, letting the guards stop him from getting any closer. Unfortunately, some people just couldn't get a hint as they continued to shout their questions. 

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now