Special [ 1 ]

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Special [ 1 ]

This chapter doesn't follow or affect the storyline.


You hummed in content as you drink a glass of wine while watching some cartoons. Like you always do.

Fancy, I know.

You glanced at the clock and internally frowned when you realized that it is 6 pm. It wasn't that late but damn, where the fuck is your son?!

School ends at 3 pm. If he wanted to hang out with Killer and his friends, he could've informed you!

You're gonna whoop his ass when he comes home.

You took out your phone and proceeded to call your son's number. You can hear it ringing on the other end but it remained that way for a couple of minutes. 

You grumbled under your breath and continued to spam his phone with calls and messages. 

He's 16 now but damn, he could at least tell you if he's going somewhere!! 

You kept messaging him every five minutes while still watching some cartoons since you need something to entertain and occupy you with.

Finally, after the 50th text message sent, you decided to just prepare some dinner.

Maybe your son is hanging out with his friends and just forgotten to inform you. 

That doesn't happen, But there's a first time for everything. 

And as long as your son is back before dinner then you'll let it slide.

Dinner is always at 9 pm and no matter the event or problem is, you and Kid never skip it. That's the time both of you talk about business or for him, school. 

It's the bonding time that both of you always made sure to have ever since he started to attend school while you are busy with underground happenings and work. 

You hummed quietly to yourself as you are halfway done with the cooking.

8:25 pm. 

That idiot better has a good reason for coming home this late or else. 


You almost cut yourself with a knife when the front door was suddenly slammed open.

So.... that brat finally decided to come home, huh?! And he didn't even try to be quiet about it!!

"Kid! You better have a goddamn reason for being late 'cause I'm gonna kick your ass!!" You shouted to your son as you stopped with the preparation and walked towards the living room.


You frowned when you hear his voice. It was shaky and uneven. Almost like he is scared of something.

Something is fucking wrong.

This isn't the first time that you scolded your son but what you do know is that he is never scared of you. Nervous yes. But never truly frightened. That brat...

You practically dashed out of the kitchen and into the living room. You bit your lip as you tried to find him.


"Kid!!" You gasped when you finally found him leaning on the back of the couch. Bleeding and wounded all over. 

You cursed continuously as you crouched down beside him, holding his chin so that he would look at you.

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now