Chapter 38

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Chapter 38 - Into the thick of it

"Did you forget anything, Kid?" You asked just before you closed the front door. 

Your son is playing with a lifesized Minecraft pickaxe -the diamond ones- as he waits for you. The boy has gotten addicted to the game once he learned about it from Natsu; the building concept of it just fits perfectly with what he likes. 

Kid is now in first grade. You enrolled him in one of those elite schools here in the country, though that proved to be quite a hassle since it is located a ways away from your house. You were actually skeptical in enlisting the 5-year-old since a handful of government rats work near and at that building.

However, most of Kid's friends are studying there so you assumed it'll be fine. Their parents would cause thousands of shit if their children ever get hurt so might as well join in.

"No, mom! I have everything here." Kid replied, taking a quick glance inside his backpack. Some snacks, a film camera, an emergency device, an extra set of clothes, and there may or may not be scrap metals hidden there as well. He could always chuck those to someone's face.

It's currently six in the morning, the sun hasn't even fully presented itself yet. You and the little redhead are going to his school this early to prevent him from being absent. Because you're pretty sure the busses wouldn't wait for latecomers - Field trips work like that, right?

"Now that's all set up, let's get moving."

Kid quickly latched onto your side as both of you proceed on the chosen vehicle for the day. A white Jeep that matched the lad's tacky outfit. Annoyingly enough, your son's school required a uniform that resembles oddly like a sailor -navy- attire.

It looks good on the redhead, you'll give them that.

"Mom is not going, right?" Kid verified once more, watching you buckle him up. He and his classmates were informed that there will be no guardians allowed during the field trip. Either the children don't go or the parents authorize the teachers to take care of the youngsters during the excursion.

Which just screams 'suspicious' but there is nothing to be done since it's mandatory.  

Still, the redhead wants to check again. For all he knows you might have paid the school to make an exception. The notion of going to an unknown place for educational purposes just doesn't sit well with him. He'd rather go with you to those locations, he for sure would learn more since you tend to explain everything whenever he asks -with the help of Google, of course. 

"Yeah, but don't worry! I'll be at the lobby area as soon as you're back. Also, if anything happens just press the button, okay?" You appeased him, seeing the frown on his face. Your son is still uncomfortable not being beside you, especially when he notices your objection on the matter.

'If you don't like it, then it's wrong for me as well.' Kid thought. However, he didn't push more about the topic and instead began chatting to you about various things. 


"Good morning, Y/N!" Whitey Bay greeted, smiling at your form before focusing on the boy beside you. "Looking handsome as always, Eustass-kun. Your friends are already waiting inside, why don't you go greet them?" 

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now