Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 - Fuming Hawk

You yawned, cooking a light breakfast for you and your son. It is currently 5:00 in the morning. You have decided that you and Kid should be the first to arrive at Mihawk's house, it is so the toddler can settle down before anyone else shows up.

It would also be advantageous for you both if the boy is comfortable in the area. This might make him less anxious with the other guests.

There are going to be a lot of demon spawns there, so you honestly hope he can make a friend or two.

You quietly hummed, glancing at the tabletop so that you can look after Kid as he peacefully slept. When you woke up awhile ago, you attempted to quietly go down without waking the lad. Nevertheless, it wasn't that easy given how sharp his instincts are when it comes to you.

You're not too sure if that's a good or bad thing. Particularly if the time does come when you would need to visit the company or underground. Should you start looking for a babysitter?

Nope. You are not going through that discussion for now. Staying and bonding with your son would be the top priority. You're also estimating that it would take a month at most before you have to personally attend meetings.

'I'll think about it once the time comes,' You thought as you cook some scrambled eggs.

Speaking of the toddler, you reluctantly decided on bringing him along to the kitchen, where he would be able to sense you. A pillow and a thick comforter made sure that the redhead is comfortable as he dozes on top of the hard countertop. You were just about finished anyway so you'll move Kid to the living room later on.

Seeing how it would take approximately 30 minutes to drive to Mihawk's chateau, you promptly agreed on packing the cooked food. You and your son could just eat on the way there. Furthermore, Kid would certainly not be hungry as of yet since he is still feeling sleepy.

After arranging everything into two lunchboxes, you organized every baby thing you might need that was from the kitchen. Some baby bottles, Milk, Snacks to nibble on, etc. That should be all of it, right?

Fortunately for you, Mihawk most probably stocks up on everything there is that a child would need so you don't have to worry too much.

You carefully held Kid, bringing him along to the living room where the rest of the bags are situated. You have packed up clothes, toys, and other necessities last night so that you and your son would simply need to place them on the trunk. But then, you're the only one who could carry all these so...

Kid better grow up with reliable muscles because you sure ain't gonna be carrying anything once you're old.

Seeing as the get-together would be held on a Saturday, you are more than guessing that the party would continue until Sunday. So you made sure to prepare enough for the given time frame. If you're too lazy -and hangover-, you and your son could presumably stay for another night and drive home on Monday.

Amber eyes gradually opened, gazing up at you with a sense of curiosity before remembering that the both of you are supposed to go somewhere today. The toddler has noticed how you were on a spree for the past couple of days. He had watched as you finished everything on your desk at the speed of lightning. Moreover, you have been showing him pictures of random strangers.

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now