Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 - A rest day for both of us

"Electromagnetism. That is your son's ability." Rayleigh explained, glancing at the young boy with interest. He has lived long enough to see different kinds of gifts. Hence why, the Dark King understands that it will depend on the user itself if the power would be useful, useless, or dangerous.

"Huh... Guess it does relate to that." You murmured, recalling the time spoons zoomed right at Shanks and Luffy. As well as when the door abruptly opened. All of it had metal on it.

However, electromagnetism doesn't just relate to the magnet part itself right??

Electrons and atomic nuclei, the attraction that holds atoms together... As far as you know, that can be classified as electromagnetism. Radiation, electric forces, etc.

There are a lot more aspects that can be included in that area. It's just not entirely researched yet.

"It'll be dangerous."

"Yeah... If others found out about it, especially the damn government."

"You could make it look like that is what your son is only capable of," Rayleigh suggested, an idea popping into his head on how he can be of help to his grandson. The domain of electromagnetism is much wider than people can perceive after all.


"People would generally think of that power as simply being a magnet. If you can inform your son about those first and then..."

"And then teach him how to do all the other dangerous stuff but also warning him to use it only around those he trusts..." You calculated, frowning as you thought more about it.

The child in discussion is busy sipping the last drop of his hot cocoa, twisting in your direction so he can ask for more. Though seeing your focused state, he hesitated and instead glimpsed at the strange woman. Shakky was already ogling at Kid, amused by how he can drink so much. Your son flushed at the attention, but then deciding that he truly wanted more, he shyly raised the mug towards the bar owner.

"That'll make the government focus their eyes elsewhere." The old man added, smiling as he watches the interaction between his lover and his grandson. And just in time, the toddler turned towards him, tilting his redhead at the Dark King.

"And fool them to thinking that his ability is simply magnetism... Not electromagnetism." You finally finished, peering at Kid with those mischievous eyes of yours.

Let's dupe the whole world, shall we?


It's been a few days since the visit to Sabaody. After arriving home, you unpacked everything that both of you have gotten.

Not much happened soon after; you were busy working at home and taking care of Kid, while your son tinkered with his toys. At times you'd try to teach him the alphabet as well as train him to walk.

The ability concept is a bit too excessive for him to learn about it right now. You'll put it on hold until he has the basics down, you want your son to grow at his own phase.

"Kid, do you want to go to the park?" You asked, peeking at what your son is doing.

The toddler is currently messing with a Rubix cube, though, he isn't doing much of the solving. Amusement grew when you noted how he was trying to group all the yellows. Reminds you of that brat back in Sabaody.

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now