Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 - Trampoline

You have a lifeless expression as you stared at the same dead orbs in front of you. Corazon's son, Law, is gazing at you with those judgemental eyes of his. You don't know if you're supposed to be pissed or to feel pathetic for being alive. Either way, that boy right there is not someone you'll allow yourself to lose to.

Corazon has a conflicted look on his face as he watches you and his son in what appears to be a heated eye contact match. A battle where the first person to turn away losses. It was amusing to see his friend engaging in such childishness. Though, the doctor is quite glad at the idea of Law interacting with other people -no matter how old they may be.

After the predicament with Shanks, you and your son managed to reach the peaceful area. The redhead was sulking as he was escorted back to the noisy couch, which Mihawk is surely grateful for. The swordsman is currently sleeping, with his son trying to untie the rope strapped around him. He'll wake up soon enough to scold the furball.

Kid is beside you, drinking his pineapple juice as Katakuri did his best to assist him. The sweet commander followed you and your son, deciding that you need assistance in taking care of the toddler. So here he is seated on the other side of the lad with the most caring aura you would have never thought you'll see resonating from him.

You were perfectly fine with it though. You were actually ecstatic, not gonna lie. A motivated babysitter is a good thing in your book, especially since your son might be able to befriend Katakuri's siblings during this get-together. In addition, Kid appears to like the man quite well. You have to wonder if the boy is attracted to dangerous-looking people. 

Well, Katakuri is the embodiment of 'cool' so you can't really judge your son's interest.

Amber eyes glanced up at you, tilting his head slightly when he noted that you were focused in another direction. Following your gaze, Kid soon caught sight of a child sitting parallel to them. The lad didn't bother observing his surroundings a while ago since he was too busy trying to comprehend how a straw works. 

It was actually an amusing experience, even Thatch cackled at your son. Kid tried to use it by simply placing his mouth around the opening, waiting for the liquid to go up on its own. He sat there, with the straw in his mouth for 2 mins straight. At first, you and Thatch thought that the boy managed to drink properly. However, that was quickly debunked when Katakuri told the both of you that not an ounce of juice was consumed.

You were so confused since the toddler literally just sat there while holding his cup, not showing signs that he wasn't tasting the pineapple. Fortunately, the sweet commander managed to accomplish what you were supposed to do, and that is teaching your son how to use a straw. Still, it did take Kid a while before managing to properly use it. Now, he is far too amused with how the concept of it works. 

The toddler tried to drink a bowl of soup with a straw.

The little redhead frowned at the sight, unamused with the lack of attention he was getting. Kid promptly lets go of the half-full beverage before proceeding to crawl over to your form. Katakuri, being the amazing caretaker that he is, quickly seized the glass, making sure that it didn't spill nor fall off the couch. The boy went closer to your thigh, tapping it in an attempt to make you look at him.

The touch soon got you to separate eye contact with the dead. The fight in you dissipating as you forgot the one-sided competition which you were having. A smile formed onto your lips as you glance down at your son, ruffling his fiery hair while at it. The toddler casually leans onto your warmth, feeling satisfied with the attention. Kid stayed like that for another second before proceeding to point at Katakuri. 

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now