Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 - Booze away


"Doflamingo-san, please stop spinning the children," Makino muttered when she noticed Law looking like he's about to puke his guts out. That was definitely not a good sign. 

What's worse is the boy is situated at the ceiling, those bodily fluids would surely reach every single person in the room if that occurs. Well, a few might be able to cover themselves -Crocodile with his dusty ass barrier.

"Fufufu~ They're having fun so let them." Doffy retaliated, plopped onto a beany on the farthest side of the sick lad. He is gonna enjoy the scene of a dirty shower with meat bits on it in a moment. Thankfully, his brother isn't here to see such a sight.

Makino could not say anymore, simply eyeing the child with a hopeful look. Though, it seems that Jimbei heard the conversation since he soon pulled Law from the ceiling. That irked the king, though Doffy let it be once he decided that he could make a fool of his brother's son anytime. 

Law glared at his uncle, staying at Jimbei's arm for a second before he was plopped down beside a young Hawkins. The scarecrow didn't even take a glance at the lad, all to knowing that he won't be puked on given what his cards are saying.

Marco sighed, handing a baby bottle filled with water to the child. The first commander honestly pities the toddler, especially with how sadistic Doffy is. He won't be surprised if one day the uncle and nephew had a rivalry when the latter is all grown up.

"Robin. You and the girls get food downstairs." Crocodile grumbled, noticing how his daughter hasn't consumed a single bite during their time here. Which would have been fine at first but then the sandman remembered that the last time they ate was last night. 

As much as he would have preferred to eat breakfast, an idiot with red hair decided to pick them up early -while also having the audacity to return home because the fool forgot something. Fortunately for the others, they haven't been picked up since they live a tad farther from the redhead. But for Crocodile who has his house in the same area as him, it was enough to almost punch the idiot. 

Good thing his daughter has a good enough hold on the shichibukai to calm him down. That must be why he's cranky so early in the morning. 

Robin tilted her head for a second before nodding in agreement. A few of the girls followed the young lady as they chatted among themselves. Food was rapidly disappearing in the children's area so there was a constant need to go downstairs and get some. Fortunately, Sanji gladly does it for the beautiful ladies while he has to be accompanied by Bellamy to make sure that the rest of the boys got a portion.

Speaking of the boys, they are currently flocking the bed area in which you and your son are resting. Yasopp and Marco gladly stayed close to entertain the young monsters while also assisting you in keeping them away from the little redhead. 

It has been about 2 hours till all the children are finally allowed inside the room. It was a stressful time you could say. Most of the boys didn't have an ounce of personal space in their mind when it comes to confronting a new friend, they kept on trying to pinch Kid's cheek and pull his fiery hair.

Heck, the youngest of the vinsmoke tried to punch your son as a greeting. 

That almost made you yeet Yonji on a wall. Fortunately, Yasopp was fast enough to snatch the lad away. The drunk fool was laughing when he saw what almost transpired, and what's annoying is he doubled in laughter when he had a closer glimpse of Kid. The sniper kept on teasing you about possessing Shanks long lost son. 

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