Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 - Problem in the mall

You slowly parked the car in a free parking space. Noticing how there were many people going to the mall today. Fuck me. Its Saturday so of course there'll be a lot of humans running around.

You sighed before glancing down at your lap to see the kid still peacefully sleeping his butt off.

You brush your hands on his red hair. "Hey kid, were here."

You watched as he snuggles more on your tummy. This kid.

"Kid wake up." You patted his back a bit so he would wake up.

He yawned cutely before deciding to stare straight at you. You wiped his eyes a bit before grabbing your bag and carrying him out of the car.

The kid rests his head on your chest, still feeling a bit sleepy. You just let it be since your more focused on getting inside the mall.

You finally stepped inside and the cold air of the ac hit you. You groaned a bit. You forgot to fucking bring an extra jacket for the kid.

You glanced down to see the kid staring off somewhere. You just shrugged it off and walked towards the department store. You'll probably get most of the things that the kid needs there.

You grabbed a cart and placed him down on the sit. You took off your jacket and placed it around him so that he wouldn't get cold. He snuggles into it before reaching one of his hands to hold onto your fingers. You smiled softly at him before proceeding to push the cart.

You first need to get some clothes for him. He needs a lot ranging in different colors and materials so that both of you can be twinning. You love a good matchy outfit.

You walked over the section and just placed random clothes that you think looks good and fits the kid. He just stared around and didn't really care that much about you tossing different things in the cart.

You glanced down to see the kid just looking bored. You mentally slapped your head for being stupid. You didn't know how to entertain a kid so you just decided on letting him watch adventure time on your phone.

That seemed to take his interest so you went back to shopping for him. Once you think you have enough clothes to last him a while, you walked over to the baby section. You didn't know what else a baby needs so you just dumped interesting shit down at the cart. The both of you can find out what those things do when you get home. Yup, not a good parent.

You also bought some more baby bottles, diapers, bibs, and all those home things to stock up since there will be two of you now living on the house. You looked at your cart to see that it was starting to fill up, so you decided to check out.

Thank goodness you can leave all the items inside for a while and just return for it later cause you still need a lot of shit to buy.

Carrying the kid, you walked around the store while looking for anything to catch your eye on. That's when you spotted a small dip n dots stall, and you damn hell know you want some.

You swiftly go there and let the kid stare at all the flavors.

He looked up at you with a confused look at his face before looking back down at all the colors. He doesn't know what those are but you look happy so he was confused.

"What do you want kid?" You asked as you decided on bubble gum and tiramisu.

He tilted his head at you before pointing at the yellow-colored ones.

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now