Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 - Presents

After you have given your point to the press, you and your son continued on to the lobby. Of course, the guards still surround the two of you. 

You peered down at Kid. He has his eyes closed tightly while clutching onto your shirt. It was a cute action though the reason behind it was not as appealing. You pulled him closer to you and gently play with his hair. The simple contact was enough to calm your son for a bit. 

Once you entered the lobby, you instantly noticed that all your employees are lined up. They faced your figure, banners and decorations littered around the place. You sweatdropped a bit at their excessive planning. 

"Welcome back, Y/N-sama, young master!" 

Everyone bowed in greeting. You sighed deeply before giving them a big grin. These idiots may have forgotten your dislike for attention but they did only want to celebrate you and your son. And that is enough to make your heart swell. 

"We're back."

You felt your eyes soften when they started to cry a bit. It has been a long while since you visited this place and seeing how they're clingy little shits, you're not all too surprised to see them bawling their eyes out. 

"It's good to see you healthy, Y/N-sama." 

You turn towards the voice to see just the man behind all of this. Sebastian.

"Good to see that your alive." You mumbled, shaking your head when you saw his smug expression.

"Of course, as one of your executive managers. It is absolutely crucial to not die." Sebastian gave out a close eyed smile as he bowed in greeting.

Just like he said, Sebastian is the one who manages every business you have here in Sabaody. Making sure that everything is of order and we progress in our service.

So in a sense, this building is kind of the base of operations for all your enterprise in the area.

You also have other Executive Managers. 8 in total. They are scattered across the country to help regulate your business and other franchise.

However, some parts of the country are supervised by you solely so it does get quite hectic from times.

You internally rolled your eyes at him, just giving him a nod in response. From the corner, you could catch your other employees chuckling at the two of you. Fairly aware of the pettiness both of you seem to have against each other.

"Ara... As you said Y/N-sama, your son is a shy one." Sebastian grinned as he pushed his face closer to your son.

A tick mark appeared on your forehead. You didn't even notice that he was already shoving his face towards Kid. You were especially irritated when you heard Kid whimpering at the sudden closeness. You promptly pulled your son away then flick the grown-ass man in between his eyebrows.

"Stop that." You grunted as you proceed to soothe the little redhead once again.

"Hai hai. Gomenasai~"

"Is my room ready?" You questioned, stepping forward to the elevator. The other employees gave you one final bow before going back to their work.

You gave them a small smile as you pass through, proceeding to step inside the lift. Sebastian shortly followed behind you as the guards also went back to their task.

"It is Y/N-sama. I hope it is to your liking." The black-haired man beamed once again.

You could only give a small nod in response. Contemplating why he hopes it is to your liking when you're the one who designed your condominium in the first place. They didn't change anything, did they?

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now