Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 - Sickly Interview

"Say bye to your friends, Kiddo~" You smiled, waving at the children and their guardians. School ended early today so you have to pick your son up in between your lunch break. 

A good thing for you since you've been meaning to leave the pile of paperwork in your office. There aren't many to be done anyway so your employees could handle the leftover task while you go for a scheduled interview. Also, this might be the best time to take a professional family picture with the redhead. Something to hang in the living room, maybe?

"I said it a while ago." Kid shrugged as he focused on matching your step. "Are we going to get food?"

The now four-year-old child has gotten quite tall for his age, and it appears he would be growing a lot more. His hair is as blazing as before, and his eyes have gotten a tad fiercer than should be considered appropriate. A charming lad -as the elders in the community likes to call him.

"Sure, we can eat along the road. Anything you like? Cravings?" You asked, pulling the seatbelt over his form. No matter how capable the boy has gotten, he would always let you buckle him up. It was amusing for the most part, but you gladly do it for him.

"Chicken wings?" Kid suggested, glancing up at you. He remembered the ones you brought home from work last week. It was so delicious that he made a whole mess during his attempt to finish everything to the bone.

"It'll be a little messy, but we can do that." You smiled, already having a place in mind.

"Are we going to your office after?" 

"Nope, I have an interview scheduled later at 2 pm. We have enough time to eat just before it starts." 

"Hmm... Oh, look!" The redhead suddenly took his backpack, opening it and taking something out. "Heracles-san made us draw anything we like so I drew a treasure map!"

You glanced at the paper, making sure to stop at the red light. Your son beamed as he proceeds to explain where the 'treasure' would be hidden and all the booby traps that he'll put to guard it. An amused grin is spread on your face while you listen closely to the boy ramble about. 

The X-mark appeared to be somewhere in the park near your house. It'll take a few minutes to go there by foot and the neighborhood is safe enough to walk alone midday. Though, for your peace of mind, Kid would have to be with you or someone you know if he plans on starting his treasure hiding idea.

"What will you be hiding in it? One of your toys, maybe?" You teased, seeing him pout at your seemingly bland guess.

"It's a secret! You can't search for it, okay?" Kid quickly stuffed the map back into his bag, almost as if you haven't seen and memorized the point already. Still, you'll humor him. 

You have countless hidden spots back when you were a child, it was fun having to hide things even if others may deem them meaningless. Maybe you can draw a map as well, then give it to your son once he grew up. You're not too certain if the items you've planted are still there or if they're in good condition, but that's the fun of treasure hunting.

"Sure sure~"

"It's a promise! You can't look or ask Koro-sensei to search for it!" Kid frowned, leaning forward to raise his pinky. You spare him an amused glance before placing your own against his. That seemed to satisfy the redhead enough since he settled back down.

"Nami also drew maps but hers was more realistic, she even drew a map of the school." 

"She's gonna be a pretty good navigator then." You added. The eatery is around here somewhere, wouldn't want to miss it.

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now