Chapter 44

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Chapter 44 - Refusal

"Mihawk! Zoro, Perona! Kid! Are you there?" Shanks shouted by the gate. He's been ringing the doorbell and talking through the transmitter, but no response at all. 

The redhead continuously slams his sheathed sword on the metal gate in an attempt to make enough noise. If it weren't for the fact that he'll be electrocuted if he scales the wall, then the charming captain would have been inside already. Did he forget to say that it's six in the morning?

"Mihawk, wake up, you sword addict!" Shanks screamed, feeling agitated as time pass. He's the only one here because he ran -yes, ran- over to the Dracule's as soon as he discovered the news. The others would surely be arriving later on as well, making the place chaotic.

The rising yonko banged his head on the gate, cursing under his breath. He is so out of it that he didn't even got to think how he will explain everything. Maybe he should have waited for Benn; he's far better at reporting this kind of stuff. "You're so stupid, Y/N."

"Have you finally gone crazy, akagami? It's 6 in the morning!" Mihawk growled, stomping over to the gate. The shichibukai is topless, only being slightly covered with the wine-colored robe he managed to put on. Perona lazily follows behind her father while Zoro is still sleeping in his room.

As the gate opened, Shanks didn't waste any time as he strolled over to the newly woken swordsman. The panicked expression on the fool's face did a 180 as a solemn one replaced it. And honestly, there's nothing scarier than an idiot turning serious all of a sudden.

"What is it now-?"

"Where's Kid?"

The two maintained eye contact as the raven-haired gentleman instantly understood the gravity of the issue at hand. This better not be that pressing because Mihawk is not fully awake for that shit so early in the morning. 

"He asked to stay at Y/N's house for the weekend. He's with those two teens that he likes to hang out with -Heat and Wire was it..."

"Shit! No one else is protecting him?!" Shanks just about pulled every hair in his head as he thought of the possible danger that might occur. 

"He has the knife that Y/N gave him -he'll be fine." The swordsman explained, his frown deepening as he observed his friend on the verge of hitting his head on the gate. The problem must be significant if that prideful fool is fine with possibly scratching his face. "Also, the pair he's with knows the basics of fighting-"

"Boss, we're here!" Yasopp called out as he moved off the back of the motorcycle. Benn is also with him, having been the one driving the vehicle. The other members are following closely behind them in multiple cars.

"Good! Benn, drive me to Y/N's house!" The redhead commanded, jumping on the bike that the sniper got off from. 

And with that, the captain and the first mate drove, leaving the poor man standing awkwardly in front of an annoyed shichibukai. It doesn't really help that Mihawk is currently staring at Yasopp, wanting him to explain everything -and by everything, he means every single detail there is.

"Uhm... you see... I'm not the best person for this..."


"Y/N-sama, everything is ready." 

You nodded, not bothering to glance at the person as you focused on the item on your hand. Given the severity of what is about to happen, you want to at least give your son something -if ever you're not going to return, that is. Better have a backup plan, but you're pretty confident you'll be able to go home alive. 

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now