Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 - Playhouse

You glared at the grinning man behind the front desk. It seems you didn't have much luck today since you encountered one of the annoying sons of that old man. Looks like Thatch was set to inspect and guard the area, which is good security but not the best circumstance for you.

The pompadour bastard has the audacity to wiggle his eyebrows while gesturing towards your son. He was standing beside the woman that was set to give you your keys and stuff. In addition, she looks as though she is about to faint with the tense atmosphere.

You would have been nice enough to tone it down a bit, however, the idiot beside her just push your buttons the most. Thatch and you are known to duel a lot because of his tendency to tease you. Which would have been fine in other cases but something about his sly grin just push you off the edge.

Sometimes you have to wonder how the bastard is known as a gentleman with the way he acts towards you. Utterly infuriating.

It doesn't really help when your friends push him to act as so. It was entertaining for them to see you like that since you tend to not let your emotions get to your actions. What great fucking friends you have.

"And here I thought the hime-sama isn't gonna have a kid. Guess I was wrong and it seems I lost the bet." Thatch sighed in defeat, shaking his head slightly. Although, the smug expression he has doesn't do him much justice.

You growled in annoyance, swiftly giving him the finger before snatching the key and brooches from the table. You huffed, throwing him another glare as you silently strut towards the respective room assigned to you.

You shoved the given key on the doorknob and slammed the door close. You could hear the idiot snickering behind you during the venture in the room. Hence to say, it irritated the shit out of you.

You continued to internally curse. You didn't want to make much noise since Kid is still asleep on your arms. No way you will let the little redhead see you like this.

Once you were inside, you slowly slumped down on a couch. The items you were holding were discarded on top of the coffee table.

You tried to calm yourself by pulling your son closer, gently combing through his hair. Kid didn't wake up even with all the ruckus, and you were honestly thankful for that.

The last thing you want is for the child to see you with such a negative aura. It's not like you hate hate the Newgates, it's more like a one-sided rivalry at most. The old man didn't care too much about you trying to surpass him but that doesn't mean his sons don't give a shit.

Oh, they care alright. And they're pretty fucking obvious about it. Continuously teasing you whenever they encountered your form. The smirks and smug looks are what pushed you to the limit. Especially that fool you encountered a second ago.

For fuck's sake, the whole country most possibly knows about the rivalry you have going on, but they probably thought it was in the business industry.

Hence why your fights in the underground also consist mostly of you versus one of Newgate's sons.

Although, no matter the injury or damage dealt, Whitebeard would just shrug it off. He would even invite you to his parties. Which, in all honesty, hurt your pride a bit.

"Tsk. Whatever." You grumbled to yourself once you finally calmed down a bit.

You carefully nudged your son awake, caressing his cheek softly. Kid leaned closer to your chest, reaching forward to hold your hand. Once he latched onto your fingers, the redhead promptly cuddled it into his face.

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now