Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - I'm gonna adopt him

You sat there, the kid on your arms. He fell asleep a few minutes ago and you didn't want to wake him up.

You sighed before staring down at him. He looks really fragile and malnourished. Fucking hell. Why is this kid not treated like the others??

You wanted answers. You wanted it now. But the kid just looked so comfortable sleeping on your arms that you don't have the fucking heart to move.

"Damn kid, already pulling at my heartstrings." You grumbled as you stared at him.

That's when you noticed that he was cold. Damn, you noticed that just now? You sighed before proceeding to slowly take off your furry black jacket. You tucked it on top of the kid.

You smiled a bit when you saw him snuggle into the jacket. You brush your hands on to his hair when you remember the blood.

You cursed under your breath for forgetting.  Then you looked around for your bag. You always have an emergency medicine kit brought along in case something happen. Cuz duh, you have a knack for getting in trouble.

You slowly reached for it before grabbing for the small pouch. You grab some gauze, cotton, and some cream.

You looked down at the kid before carefully positioning him so that you can properly see his scalp. You searched for the spot you touched awhile ago.

It doesn't need stitches, thankfully. But it still needs to be disinfected or else it will cause a lot of problems.

You proceeded to clean the injury with some clean cloth. You felt the kid winced a bit as he clutched onto your shirt.

You stopped at that. You are really not into physical contact. Like really really really not into it. You like hugs sometimes. But you really don't like sudden physical contact with humans. Don't even care if its a kid. You just don't like it. Maybe because every physical contact cause injuries to you during your jobs that's why it was like a reflex for you to grow awkward and fidgety when someone fucking touches you.

Now that you thought about it. Having a kid means you need to be more touchy and loving. Damn. Those are two things you are not good at.

You sighed before just slowly forgetting that the kid is clutching the shirt in your fucking chest area. Just a kid Y/N. Just a damn kid.

You finished cleaning and placing gauze on the injury. There all done.

You smiled a bit at your accomplishment before looking down at the kid. He was still sleeping. You sighed before slowly standing up. It has been a while. You think it's time to show your face to them.

You slung your bag on your right shoulder as you continue to hold the kid on your left. The jacket was slipping off him so you just slung it on your shoulders as well. Making sure that the kid is close enough so he can take your warmth.

You stepped out of the curtain and instantly saw the three boys looking around. Fuck, you forgot about them.

You walked up to them with a small smile. They looked up at you with teary eyes.

"Nee-san you just suddenly disappear!!!"

"Yeah, we thought you got lost!!"

"Don't do that again!!"

They clung onto your pants. You smiled at that. They're good kids. They'll grow up well.

You chuckled at them before ruffling each of their heads. "Sorry about that. I saw someone and he needed my help."

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now