Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 - Powers

You cursed under your breath as you cleaned up the mess in the kitchen and the living room. 

Shanks and Luffy have already left a little while ago. The two kids fell asleep while you and the redhead were discussing your son's powers as well as certain things. 

-- A few hours ago -- 

"Since Luffy and your son is still too young, they can't join the nursery as of yet..." Shanks mumbled.

"Yeah... Kid is technically 1 year old and they need to be 3 years old. Wait, how old is your son anyway?" You frowned as you glance at the man. 

Shanks gape at you, not believing that you don't have a clue at all about the matter. You huffed when you saw the expression. 

You're not good at identifying ages, okay?!

"Luffy is gonna turn 1-year old a couple of months from now." Shanks grinned as the redhead proceeds to fawn about the party that he is gonna host in the nearby future.

Of course, he's thinking about all the fun that is gonna occur during his son's birthday party. What did you expect?!

You just hope that Luffy won't inherit that addiction of his. Oh, who are you kidding? The little rascal probably loves it by now. 

But now that you think about it... You and Kid haven't properly celebrated the adoption. That day is technically your son's birthday. It would be weird not to commemorate it. 

'Hmm... Guess I need to host a party as well. Or the two of us could celebrate it, just the both of us...'

You'll have to think about what to do.

"Ehem, maybe you and your son should visit Rayleigh. Though, it was Garp who handled Luffy's examination. Rayleigh would be the best person to go to about this kind of stuff." Shanks sweated as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Garp?" You whispered while staring daggers at the red-haired man beside you.

What the fuck does Garp has to do with this?! 

As far as you know, Shanks and Garp don't get along. You thought it was because the redhead made that old geezer's village his base once. And boy was Garp angry. But from the reaction you are receiving right now, it seems something else happened between the two. 

"Well... Garp is Luffy's grandfather... Hehehe..."

"HUH?! THEN WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE HIM?!" You growled as you pulled the man by the collar and proceed to shake him back and forth.

Did this idiot kidnap the little rascal?! What the hell is going on?! 

"G-gah! You're choking me, Y/N!!" Shanks screeched as he patted your arms. You grunted but still decided to let go of the man. You're gonna get answers whether he gives it willingly or not.

"Explain. Now." 

"Ahehehe... you see...."


"So you're telling me, Dragon -the leader of the revolutionary- is Luffy's real father and he decided to let Garp take care of him. But, you met the kid after a few months that the old geezer has him, then you suddenly took Luffy and then proceeds to adopt him. Dragon reluctantly agreed when you asked for his permission and now Garp is angry at you for stealing his grandson. Also, Dragon adopted a kid as well and is taking care of that child when in reality he has a biological son." You deadpanned while you stared at the redhead.

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now