◇ Ending Special 2 ◇

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Ending Special 2
Yonko - Changes

"Fuck you!" Kid hissed, glaring at the man standing in front of him. The 23-year-old male pants as he tried hard not to pass out from all the blood dripping out his body.

The person he is fighting sighed, grabbing a roll of bandages that is somehow in his pockets. Eustass stepped back as the stranger started approaching him. Though with how injured the redhead is, it only caused the young captain to fall on his ass.

A harsh glare formed on Kid's face as the bandage was thrown gently to his lap. The overall action made the male want to kill the man, especially for giving him pity. It annoyed the living shit out of him.

"Y/N would be disappointed..." Shanks mumbled as he turned around, proceeding to stroll back to his gang. "As your guardian, it is my fault for not taking care of you. And as punishment for you and me, I'll just have to live with the guilt of cutting off your arm."

Kid clenched his remaining fist, wondering if the pain on his missing limb was also the cause of his heart aching. Things have changed since you were gone.

"No matter how cruel Y/N may seem to others, she never kills those who are innocent. It's a golden rule of hers and her employees."

And with that, the red-haired yonko left with his crew, never once looking back.


"Mama! Eustass Kid is on our territory, and it appears he's trying to plunder the-!" Smoothie reported through a phone. However, she was instantly cut off by her mother's laughter, not at all bothered by the news.

"Eustass 'Captain' Kid, the lost sheep." Big mom hummed as she sat on her throne. That amused smile on her lips indicated her knowledge of the trespasser. "Send a Sweet Commander and make sure that boy is not to step foot in this place again."

"Got it, mama!" Smoothie nodded before the call ended.

The sweet-loving yonko glanced to the corner of her throne room, observing her second son that was listening to the conversation. Katakuri didn't show any signs of disagreeing with his mother's decision. He simply leaned on the wall with his eyes closed, appearing to be thinking of things.

"Mamamama~ A lost sheep who can't remember the teaching of its master is of no use to me. Isn't that right, Katakuri?" Big mom chuckled, reminiscing of the late Eustass Y/N.

"Yes, mama."


Amber eyes gazed through the people gathered in this temporary base. It's been a while since he last saw this two, having encountered them back in Sabaody. But now, they are doing their own thing at his base.

"Hey, Captain Kid!" Apoo greeted with a stupid grin on his face. "You look annoying as always!"

"Scratchmen! What are you doing?! You made a big mess out of our lair!" Kid growled, just about ready to flung metal pieces on the man's ugly figure. If it weren't for the fact that he had known him from childhood and Killer somehow managed to talk him into allying, then he would have happily buried the idiot himself.

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now