Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 - Crybaby

"Oh! The little vegetable and my mini-me are here! Where are thou parents?"

With that, you instantly rushed to the living room, hoping that your son hasn't started crying because of that fool's face. Mihawk begrudgingly followed behind you, his menacing aura growing with every step he took. You sure don't want to be in between that. Or do you? 

You just hope that these men would take the fight outside or else the house would get damaged. None of you would want that to happen when the get-together hasn't even started. Also, you're not too sure how Kid will react to the sight of violence. And in all honesty, you don't want him to witness such a sight as of yet. 

When your eyes landed on your son, a tick mark soon appeared on your head. Kid was close to tears as he tries to hide behind the furball, pulling on the young swordsman's sleeve while Zoro appears utterly panicked by the sudden expression of the toddler. As much as the scene looks cute, you don't like the thought behind such weeping.

"Shanks, you idiot!" You threw the set of chains you still had in your grasp, the thing glinting as it flew towards the redhead's handsome face. You felt guilty for a second, but then you remembered that there is no way he wouldn't be able to evade that.

Shanks turned towards you in glee, seemingly excited to hear your voice. Though his excitement soon turned into confusion when he caught sight of the metals hurling towards his form, as always, he manages to dodge it. "EHH?! WHAT DID I DO?!"

You didn't bother replying, simply smirking at the man when a slash can be heard directed at him. Shanks shrieked like a girl, having the courtesy of proceeding to run outside so that no one would get hurt except for him. However, you're sure the fool won't let Mihawk lay a wound on him during such a fun day. And in all honesty, the shichibukai might not even be too serious about this, merely wanting to let off a bit of steam. 

You scooped Kid into your arms, ruffling the boy's hair and wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes. The toddler quickly latched onto you, stuffing his face into the crook of your neck as a means of finding comfort. You let the lad be, continuing to pat his back as you present Zoro a simple thumbs up in appreciation. 

The furball sweatdropped at your action before proceeding to race outside. It appears the young swordsman wants to watch his father fight. Although, someone should be stopping him soon. And you were right, a pineapple coolly grabbed Zoro's collar, halting him from further following the two rivals. 

"Fufufu~ It seems this would be the last time we see you akagami. May you rot in peace." Doflamingo chuckled, strolling inside as he let the emperor through. The king has his daughter in his arms, both of them all dressed up like royalties emerging out of a castle. Which they most probably did.

"DON'T KILL ME OFF ALREADY!" Shanks pouted at the blonde before gazing back at his best friend, trying to achieve pity. Though he only received disgust at such childish expression, "HAWKYYY~ I'M SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!"

"E-eh Shanks-!! What about-!" 

You watched amused as Corazon tried to call out at the redhead. However, he wasn't able to finish since the duo has already pushed deeper inside the forest. Shanks and Mihawk wouldn't come out of there for another hour or two. Luffy remained a giggling mess in the doctor's arms, his son looking annoyed at the boy that is currently ogling him.

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat