Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - Let's take you home

You quickly sat up when you felt someone tap your shoulders. You gave a quick glare to whoever it is and saw the woman at the front desk.

She gulped before retracting her hand. "Uhm, ma'am the papers are all ready."

You nod at her before glancing around. The other couples are all getting ready to leave the place. Each of them guiding - more like pushing- their adopted kids out of the area.

You grabbed the papers and tuck it in your bag. You looked at your kid to see him still sleeping soundly. You smiled a bit at that before slowly holding him to your arm.

He shifted a bit as he snuggles closer to your chest. Damn you're still not used to that.

You stood up and followed the others out of the room and back to the lobby area.

The others continued to give you glares and disgusted looks as they fasten their phase so that they don't get anywhere near you.

You didn't really care and just rolled your eyes at their attitudes. Those kids are gonna be so damn spoiled, you don't even wanna think about it.

You glared at Henry when you saw him by the lobby. He took a warry glance at you before looking back at the others.

"I congratulate all of you for becoming a parent. I hope that your family would overcome the challenges you will all face and that you all feel the love and warmth of what a family truly is."

Damn, he gave a fairly good speech. Wonder how many times he repeated it.

"Well, I wouldn't hold you here any longer. I just want to inform you, parents, that the children still need to be checked in a hospital for their birth certificate. Please do come back within the week to give it to us. Thank you and have a blessed day." Henry gave a final bow as he proceeded to point out of the door

About time he let us leave this hell hole.

You were the first one to stroll out of that wretched place.

You breathe in once you felt the cold wind hitting your face. It was already 6 pm. It took quite a while than you imagined.

You sighed before proceeding to walk towards your car. You didn't even glance back to look at the other couples. Who gives a fuck about them anyway.

You opened the passenger seat in front then carefully place the kid there. You don't know if a 3-year-old is okay seating their but fuck the police. You're such a bad mother and you're just starting.

You quickly seat yourself down at the driver's seat and start the car. You glance back at the kid to see him still cuddling your furry jacket.

You grinned at his cuteness. That jacket was gifted to you by some fancy flamingo. Like you, he has an addiction to wearing cloaks and big jackets so him being an awesome friend - his words, not yours- he gave you that jacket. He wanted both of you to be twinning when you visit the underground.

You smirked at the memory when you did decide to visit the place while wearing the furry jacket. Everybody thought the both of you were dating. You were so amused at their expressions that you and the flamingo acted like lovers during the visit.

It was fun. Especially when you saw your friends gawking at the both of you. Some even showed their disapproval of you guys dating.

You stopped the car in front of a grocery store. It was almost time for dinner and you need to cook something that the kid can digest. You also need to buy some milk for him.

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora