Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 - First morning with the kid

You groaned when you felt someone patting your face. You slowly open your eyes and was instantly face to face with the kid.

He tilted his head while he continued to poke your cheek. You don't mind waking up to this every morning.

You sat up and look at your phone. 7:13 am. It was still early. How is this kid awake already? You glance at him as he played with his robot toy.

Whatever, we need to go shopping anyways.

You walked towards the kitchen still a bit absent-minded. You'll make some breakfast for the both of you.

You were almost done making some scrambled eggs when you heard some whimpering.


You ran back to the living room but suddenly stopped when you almost tripped on something. Fuck. That something is actually the kid.

He was crawling towards the kitchen and slightly whimpering with tears falling from his eyes. You sighed then picked him up. You wiped his tears as he looked at you.

"There there, I just cooked us some breakfast kid."

You glance at him to see his knees slightly red from all the crawling. That's why he's whimpering. You walked back to the kitchen with him on your arms.

You sat him down at the table as you proceeded to get some ointment. Once you found it you walked over to him again to see him still sniffling a bit. Damn, you're not really parent material are you?

You smiled at him then patted his head once he looked back up at you. You applied some of the ointment on his knees and let it dry.

He watched as you brought down your lips and placed a peck on both his knees.

"There it'll be all better after a while." You smiled at him as the kid just stares at you.

You didn't realize what you just did. You weren't an affectionate person so the action just appeared out of nowhere. It was obvious you didn't actually mean to do that cause soon after, you forgot that you have even done it.

The kid was surprised by your actions as well. He liked it but the feeling was unfamiliar to him. He didn't know what he's supposed to do and to react so instead, he just stared at you.

You grabbed the scrambled eggs and place them in two separate plates. You also grab a baby bottle and pour some milk in it.

Doing the usual routine, you fed the both of you. Once breakfast was done you put the dishes in the washer and carry the kid.

You need to bath him before you go to the mall. Of course, you're going to wash yourself as well but you'll do that once he's all dressed. You grabbed the clothes you bought him and some diaper as well.

Since all the bathrooms are on the second floor, both of you still need to go up. You sighed before deciding to walk towards your room. The kid just stayed silent as he stared at everything around him.

Opening the room, you swiftly walked up to the bathroom and set the kid down at the sink.

You proceeded to fill up the tub with lukewarm water and place some bubbles as well.

You glanced at the kid to see him staring at all the bubbles with sparkling eyes. You grinned at him, you also love bubbles whenever you took a bath so you stock up on it.

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now