Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 - Hospital Visit

"Ughh...." You groaned as you tried to drag the big ass stroller down the stairs while carrying the kid.

Miraculously, you were able to finish assembling the stroller together. The job was still infuriating, earning the contraption a few -a lot- cursed words thrown at it.

Today is the day that you will be bringing the kid to the doctor for a check-up and all that shit. You have already called Corazon for an appointment and let me tell you, the call was really amusing.

Apparently, Corazon has also adopted a child - like everyone else- and you can hear them both fighting on the other end of the line. Well, as far as you can tell, it was kind of a one-sided battle. You're pretty sure the brat was winning even though he's speaking some baby language.

Nevertheless, Corazon has booked you an appointment with him and as of how things are going, you can pretty much guess that you'll be late for it.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid." You grumbled as you continued to try and get the stroller down to the living room.

The kid just stared up at you as he tried to comprehend what is the object you were dragging along. You haven't placed him on the stroller yet so it would be the first time later on.

Once you finally brought the thing down with you. You instantly placed the kid on the couch. He let you, as he is still focused on analyzing the weird contraption in front of him. He just hopes it's not like the carrier you placed him in.

You grinned at the job well done as you took a bit of rest on the couch as well. Picking up your phone, you started to dial Corazon's number.



"Oh, Y-Y/N-san! Are you here already?"

"Nope!" You sheepishly grinned as you scratch your cheek.

You glanced at the kid as he crawled over to your lap. He hugged your stomach as he rests his head on it.

"E-eh? Your appointment is in 20 minutes..."

"I know!" You giggled as you brushed the kid's red hair. It was still a bit damp from the bath.

"... You're going to be late, are you?" Corazon sighed as you hear some shuffling as well as something falling. His clumsiness is acting up again.


"Y/N-san... I'll move the appointment until you arrive."

"Thank you, Rosinante~" You grinned as you imagine him falling off his chair to tell his assistant about the sudden change.

You dropped the call and glanced down at the kid. He was playing with the hem of your blouse, going in and out of sleep.

You carefully raise him up so you can place him in the stroller. The kid wiggled a bit before stopping once he was seated on it. He frowned as he looked around to see a bit of what he is sitting on.

You smiled at him as you wait for him to adjust. The kid stared at you then back at the stroller then at you again.

You're starting to guess that he doesn't like it.

He raised his arm at you, wanting to be picked up. You internally screeched at the reaction.

'I fucking stressed my ass to assemble that stroller and he doesn't like it. Wow.'

"Kid, you don't like it?" You asked him just to be sure.

He shook his head as he wiggles around, still raising his arm for you to pick him up. You grumbled incoherently before giving up.

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя