Chapter 43

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Chapter 43 - Helheim

Kid hummed to himself as he waited in the parking lot. His classes ended early today; the boy is simply waiting for someone to pick him up. The redhead is confident it won't be you though, he has noticed how you would always come home much later than usual. Recently, he only got to see you every morning when you drive him to school since he'd be asleep once you got back. 

Not something you're proud of, but the lad genuinely understands everything you do. Kid knows that this is how it usually is even before you adopt him; you've already adjusted your time a lot for him, so he's fine as long as you don't injure yourself. Moreover, the 7-year-old likes to guess who would pick him up for the day. Sometimes it's someone he knows, but usually, it's an entirely different face. 

Kid will be lying if he says that he doesn't want to follow them at times. After all, a person would typically not want to accompany a man with a triple-bladed scythe just chilling on his back. 

Just as the redhead jumped down from one of those stopper thingies, a black limousine halted a few meters away from him. Amber eyes swiveled right at it, a frown settling on his face. Kid has that vehicle and plate number memorized by now. Most of your friend's car has been engraved to his heart, given how frequently you and the lad would bother everyone. Though he has to wonder why that person is here, it is not yet the dismissal of his son. 

"Boy, get in." Dracule Mihawk stated as he opened the passenger door. Golden eyes met the youngins, no trace of emotion visible on the man's form. He did a once over, satisfied to see that the child wasn't harmed while waiting for him.

"Mom asked you to pick me up?" The boy asked as the swordsman locked the seatbelt around him. The older shichibukai never understood why you let your son gain a habit of not buckling up by himself, but then, who was he to judge given his offspring?

"Yeah, she also asked if you can stay with us for a while." 

Kid tilted his head, wondering if he heard that right. He'll be staying with the Dracules for 'a while' -why is that? Is no one able to babysit him anymore during his time at the house? You know that he could always invite Wire and Heat. However, they could be busy, so perhaps that's why you decided on this bizarre option. At least it's not with Shanks or Rosinante.

"How long?" 

"Until Y/N picked you up."

"And when did she say that was?" Kid verified, peering right at Mihawk. The swordsman didn't bother glancing at the lad, far too focused on the road ahead. Moreover, the man has gotten accustomed to your son's staring -it doesn't phase him.

"No clue." The shichibukai answered, entering the highway and speeding up. He noted a police car that he passed, making brief eye contact with the officer inside. How annoying.

"What about mom's employees?" The redhead continued as he took his phone out of his bag. Kid rarely uses it, only for communications, since he has plenty of toys to tinker with than play in a virtual game. Not a fan of games, but he does enjoy it from time to time -when you pit him to it.

"Everyone is with her. All that is left are the ones who handle the business when they're gone." 

"Did she abandon me or something?"

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now