Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 - A fleeting moment

Kid has a constant frown on his face as he eyed the children surrounding him. The boys were completely enamored, taking in the sight of fiery hair and amber orbs. Safe to say, the rainbow blob of devils was close to completion. 

The adults remained cautious nearby, making sure that no one is in harm's way. Although, for the newly welcomed toddler, the grown-ups were keeping a closer guard on him. The spectacle from a minute ago was enough sign that the redhead is an explosion ready to set off anytime. Especially, when you aren't anywhere near the boy. 

Hence, it wasn't too surprising when several of the guardians have a sea stone ready just in case. They weren't particularly being biased or unfair about the matter, it was more of a better-safe-than-sorry type of understanding. 

The older and smarter children noticed the situation quickly, though none of them questioned the oddity behind it. A baby get-together doesn't happen much, but the few times that it did, there were always times when a parent would get overly wary. The obvious reason is because of children not being well-trained with their powers. 

The number of times firefighters have been called because of Ace or Sabo is immaculate. The police were even involved a few times just to settle a few papers. Fortunately, the brats were too young to even be called in for questioning. Though, that was surely recorded for future reference -especially when these little devils become old enough to be sentenced to jail. One good thing was that almost everyone knew basic first-aid, and even with that awareness, a doctor is always ready to commence an operation. 

For a bunch of infamous names, you all had a way of making sure that the children are well taken care of. 

If strangers discover this get-together, they would simply think of it as a cute and wholesome event. Must be why the police are becoming infuriated. Getting the dirt on renowned people who have a good reputation is a lot harder than they could possibly imagine. 

Kid gurgled, finally done with all this nonsense. The only thing he wants right now is to see you and cuddle in your arms. Being surrounded with brats his age might have been alright a few minutes ago, but now he is just tired of it. 

Makino quickly noticed the young lad crawling out of the massive trampoline. Luckily, she managed to catch the redhead before he fell off completely. The other boys didn't even notice a thing, far too occupied with their own existence. There goes their attention span.

Amber eyes merely stared up at the woman, a frown evident on his face before deciding that the company is better than those barbarians. Makino sent a warm smile at the lad, internally cooing at the charming sight. There were a lot of children who seems mature for their age, however, she has never met one who looks so sophisticated and childish at the same time. It was an odd mix, reminding her of a certain independent woman. He is your son alright.

The toddler is hopeful that the lady would bring him to you, though, that hope soon faded when he was set down in between two girls. The little misses were quick to enclose the isolated boy, placing different types of ornaments on his body.  If it weren't for a Jimbei telling them that it was enough, then Kid's neck would have been filled with flower necklaces that can last him a lifetime. 

If the boy was frowning a while ago, then this time he is just filled with utter confusion. The girls didn't even bother telling him their names -not like he'll remember it all anyway, but still. He thought it was common decency to introduce one another before being this close. That's what you always did when a stranger appeared out of nowhere, after all. 

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now