Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 - A celebration of birth

Months passed, seasons changed, and the bond between you and your son deepens. Now, you could officially announce that Kid has been a part of the family for a year.

It was a bumpy ride, definitely so. Nevertheless, you held on to those trustful eyes that the redhead continuously gave you. It was a feat, a big one if you say so yourself. Not everyone can take care of a child -one with devilish powers even. But then, you would never replace him for the world. 

Motherhood is better than you expected. 

Kid is still having a hard time walking on his own two feet, nor can he speak yet. Though, there were improvements during the time you have been together. His trusty doctors are also there to help you out the best that they could. 

The lad could crawl a lot faster now -not much of an upgrade but it will do. Additionally, he could gurgle and make baby noises whenever he requires your attention. You're not really sure about that one... It sounds more like growling and not gonna lie, the sound scares you at times.

You remember when Kid growled at Zoro. The little tiger roared back for some reason. It appears we are supervising beasts, not humans. 

On the plus side, the toddler cries lesser than before, having been comfortable enough with the outside world. Marco was really pleased when he mentioned it to you after a session. You're not too sure if he was proud because of the development, or because he'll see you less. Nevertheless, your son would continue meeting the phoenix till he is all better. 


"How are you, little Eustass?" The pineapple head smiled, ruffling the boy's hair before glancing up at you. His expression completely shifted from happy to utter defeat. "Y/N, don't you have a meeting to go to?"

"Now now, Marco. That's not how you greet a friend." You pushed your way inside his vast clinic. Being a well-rounded doctor for all ages, the man has to have multiple rooms designated for different age groups. 

Everything is organized and neat, a lot homier than you first anticipated but it correlates well with the commander's personality. Besides, you're not too surprised that all the decorations and materials are top quality. What do you expect from Newgate's beloved son?

"I've engraved every inch of your appearance into my memory by now, Y/N. I would appreciate not seeing you often."

"Don't flirt with me when my son's around, boy." You smirked, watching him sigh in frustration. Yep, he might need a personal therapist even with his profession.


Tiny hands grasped onto your foot, tugging on your toes as a way to earn your attention. You were too focused on contacting every person involved in the upcoming party that you didn't notice the lad. Kid gurgled, satisfied when you finally pulled him on your lap. 

Amber eyes stared idly on your computer screen. He didn't understand anything, but he did enjoy seeing all the different bright colors. The toddler would do that a lot, simply resting on your hold as he watches what you are working on. What's surprising is that he knows not to disturb you during those times. 

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now