Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - I'll take care of you

You clenched your fist as you stared at your feet. You need to calm down or else they'll kick you out and you won't be able to adopt a kid. But fuck, you could still go to a different orphanage so who cares anyway.

You sighed as Henry proceeded to open the doors. The other couples looking excited as hell. You gasped a bit when you looked around the room.

It was beautiful without a doubt. There were a lot of kids ranging from 3-15 years old. They look like they are being taken care of properly. Nice clothes and not a bruise littered their small bodies. The room has pillows littered around and a lot of toys as well. Books, stuff toys, a small playground. Damn, it is a fancy orphanage for the rich.

You smiled a bit when you saw the kids playing and laughing among themselves. Well, at least the kids look like they're happy and having fun.

The three couples quickly scattered around the room hunting for a child they would be adopting. You stood there for a while, Henry beside you.

"This place is beautiful isn't it? The kids love it here that's why they always want to return."

Your eyes widen at what he said. So that's how they earn money. They let couples adopt the children then after a few weeks, the kids would want to return back here. What the fuck.

Before you can even say something in return he already started walking towards a couch near the door. You bit your lip in anger before proceeding to scout the place.

You smiled at some kids when the ball that they were playing with hit your leg. You bent down and grab the ball, before softly throwing it back at them. They grinned at you before walking over.

"Ne, are you here to adopt as well nee-san??" A boy no older than 7 smiled at you.

"Hmm.... Yeah I am." You crouched down at their level.

Three boys. One with black hair, brown hair, and the other is blue. They look like they're all the same age. The kids looked at you in awe. You giggled at their faces before ruffling their hair.

"Wow nee-san aren't you too young???" The blue hair gaped at you.

"I can handle it. I'm strong." You winked at them as they giggled at your reply.

You were surprised when the boy with black hair suddenly hold into your hand then drag you to the playground.

"Come play with us!!" He grinned at you.

You nod at them before proceeding to throw the ball. The four of you continued playing for a while when suddenly the ball traveled quite far. The three boys giggled as you playfully sighed at them. These kids are so energetic.

You turned towards where the ball landed. It was quite far away from the playground. Almost to the corner of the room. You proceeded to walk towards the area when a black cloth caught your attention.

A small part of the playground was covered with a black curtain. Probably some storage area for toys.

You were about to leave it at that once you reached the ball. But then you heard some sniffling on the other side. What? Is some kid hiding there or something??

You clutched onto the ball with one hand and the other is holding onto the cloth.

You probably won't find anything but curiosity is getting to you.

You walked over the other side of the curtain and looked around. It was quite dark. Only a small light bulb was serving as a light source for you.

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now