Chapter 39

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Chapter 39 - Castaways


"What is it, Kid?" You called, turning towards the door to see the redhead peeking at you. "Is something wrong?"

The 5-year-old slowly stepped inside. Kid is fiddling with his fingers, glancing back and forth at you and somewhere else. It's apparent that he wants to ask of you -you're not sure what, but it's something. Your son always acted like so whenever he craves something in particular.

It's always amusing to you how the boy behaves bashfully when he is about to give a request -almost like his mother isn't rich at all.

"Uhm, well..." Kid murmured as he continued to stroll towards your form.

Amber eyes peered up at the paperwork on your table before turning back on you. There was a lot of work to be done, and yet here he is, bothering you. The redhead worries that he is being a disturbance right now. He's not.

"Yes?" You urged, patting his fiery hair in an attempt to ease the boy.

His favor is most possibly huge if he is acting this troubled about it. As long as it isn't out of your reach, then you'll gladly give the child what he wants.

Fortunately for you and your son, his teachers don't seem to have any trouble with the lad. Everything had gone as smooth as it can be -minus the field trip incident. Though, you did notice how Kid started to bring a first aid kit in his backpack.

If it's not about school, then it's something else.

"Do you remember that spare room on the top floor?"

"The huge one beside the storage room? Yeah, we should probably fill that up with something."

Once a month, the two of you would clean up the house. Change the sheets, vacuum the rooms, throw or donate stuff that isn't needed anymore. During one of the cleanup, you and Kid decided to venture to the top floor, and there you both discovered a whole ass mess. The look which the boy gave you was full of judgment -it indeed made you embarrassed.

Safe to say, you never did attempt to go up when it was only you cleaning. The top floor is enormous as fuck! No way you're gonna tidy that on your own.

"Well... Can I-... May I-..." Kid frowned as he tried to think of a better -nicer- way to ask his question. English is hard. "Is it alright for me to have it? Like a playroom thingy, I'll even decorate it and stuff..."

You blinked, processing what the redhead said. That's a pretty good idea. You have your office separated from your bedroom, so who's stopping your son from having a different room for his toys? It'll be perfect when he starts having his friends come over as well.

"Sure! We can go shopping this weekend and start decorating it as well." You smiled, watching the lad become excited. "After that's done, maybe you can invite your friends for a sleepover or something."

That made Kid nod more, seeming to approve that plan very much. It appears that was his intention all along, and you're totally fine with it. As long as you -or another adult- are around while the children are having their sleepover, then they can have as much fun as they like.

"Thanks, mom! Love ya!" Kid shouted before running out with a wide grin on his face.


"What about this shade?" You suggested, pointing at a reddish color from the palette.

"Uhm... I don't know..." Kid murmured as he stares at the light pigment. The two of you are currently at the mall, choosing the stuff to decorate your son's new room.

Taking care of Kid (Modern AU) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now