He gets hit by your parents

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Niall 14- "what are these?" You asked your big brother, stroking over his bruised arms.
"Nothing y/n get off!" He tugged his arm back, pulling his sleeve back down.
"Have you been fighting again?" You asked cautiously.
"I wish you would just mind your own business!" He shouted, voice getting deeper.

You whispered as you scurried backwards, flinching as his hand moved up.

"Y/n? Don't be scared its me, your brother!" He whispered, noticing how scared he made me.
You nodded, still frightened.
"You thought I was going to hit you, didn't you?" At this stage he had a tear rolling down his cheek. You nodded.

"Baby, I would never hurt you, never okay these bruises... these bruises are from mummy! The other day she got mad and she lashed out but it's fine, I'm fine"

You knew he was lying from the look in his eyes.

"Mummy hits you? Was it one time or...."

He lowered his head, giving me the answer I needed, "don't be scared, we will get away okay just us two" you whispered, now comforting your crying brother.

Harry 16- You creeped down from the stairs from your bedroom, to hear your father and your brother screaming at each other.

"These stories make me sick!" Your dad bellowed.
"There all rumours, dad I have a girlfriend!" Your brother shouted back.
"You make me sick I wish you weren't my son, you aren't right boy!"
"I wish you weren't my dad your such a fucking knob, everyone leaves you, mum, your ex wife, your other ex wife y/n can't wait to leave and neither can I!" Your brother spoke the honest truth.

You suddenly heard a punch, a crack and a bang. You ran down to see your brother on the floor, already swarmed in blood.


"Leave him, let him die!" Your dad spat on your brother who laid unconscious.

You rang the police and ambulance as you quickly packed a bag for you and harry.

You weren't coming back here ever again!

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