You have to see goodbye to him when he goes on tour

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Harry 14 -Your big brother was going on your and you were going to miss him so much. He had always been there for you and the thought of not having him there honestly scared you a little bit. You drove to the airport with your mum, dad, Gemma and of course harry. His plane was to board in less than 30 minutes. You sat on his lap and he noticed you crying.

"I'm going to miss you so much" you cried as you snuggled into his chest.

"Hey don't cry, I'll be back before you know it" he replied rubbing my back.

He was about to board as before he did he turned around and blew me a kiss, "stay safe.."

Niall 18- You and Niall always got on and to see him go broke your heart. Your brother was going for a whole year, he was going to miss you much. You hated the fact that your brother wasn't going to be close to you and you wouldn't be able to make sure he was safe. he promised to call everyday but with his

busy schedule it made it quite hard sometimes.

As he was about to board the plane he blew and kiss and whispered, "stay safe y/n, I love you so much my princess"

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