Favourite girl

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Niall 17- your my special little lady, the girl that drives my crazy....

You grew up in a different way to the other kids. For instance, your big brother was a world famous Pop star causing you to be thrown into the spotlight alongside the rest of your family.

Out your whole family, your WHOLE family, you were the one who got the most attention, apart from niall of course, but it bothered you.

On the daily you would get thousands of death threats and mean comments, it was wonderful.... joking !

You was 6 when niall first auditioned, so it's been happening since you was young. Niall has a family of his own now, but we still see each other. Now you just find it a million more times harder telling him your problems.

Lately things have been getting bad, like real bad. I have resulted back to cutting and sometimes I really do think ending my life is the only way out of it all, this world I did not agree to living in.

I read one more tweet before finalising my decision, "you know what fuck it, fuck it all.... why do I need to be here? No one loves me, no one would care!" I cry as I march to the bathroom.

I grab my blades and cut, cut deeper than I ever have before. Whilst I let the blood pour down my arm I reached for the anti depressants in my cupboard.

I always kept these there just as a private little happy pill.

Just as I was about to take my 8th pill, niall burst through the door. I was on the floor tears balling down my face.

"Y/n!" He screamed, collapsing to the floor.
"How many have you taken?" He whispered.
My head rolled back and forth, making me unable to respond.
"I said how many? For fuck sake y/n answer me, I can't lose you now please baby!" He screamed, tears falling down his face harshly.

I held up my hands to reveal 8, making his breath hitch.

"Why?" He croaked, cleaning my arms as best as he can whilst tieing my hair back. He leant me over the toilet and Stuck his fingers down my throat causing me to throw up all the pills in my body.

After I drank the water he presented to me I finally had the words to respond.
"No one wants me here, do they? I have no one anymore!" I cried.
"Don't you dare say that! You are my little baby sister and I vowed to always love you, y/n your my favourite girl in the world and no one and I mean no one..." by this point he had his fingers under my chin and was looking me directly in the eyes.
"Could change that. Your my special little lady, the one that drives me crazy, but I would never ever change that!"

Harry 12- My prized possession, one and only....

Fjdkeidn You ran to Harrys room, as soon as you got home.

"Hazza? Harry!" You yelled, impatiently waiting for him to open the door or let you in at least.

Your smile was ear to ear as you couldn't wait to tell harry the good news.

"Baby" He chuckled, standing in only boxers and his hair messed up.
"What have you been doing?" You asked, giggling at your brothers dribble hanging down the side of his face.
"Oh I just woke up, I was supposed to be sleeping all afternoon..." He chuckled.
"No go ahead what's the news?" He smiled letting you into his room.
"I have officially beaten anorexia haz!" You softy said.

Looking into his glossy emerald eyes you notice a tear form.
"Why are you crying?" You smiled, fighting back a tear of your own.
"I'm so proud, I am so fucking proud of you my strong girl" He nodded, pulling you tightly into his chest.
"Thanks haz!" You whisper a tear caressing your cheek.
"Your my prized possession, one and only..." He whispered into your hair as he flung the two of you onto the bed.

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