You have a massive argument

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Niall 13- "what the fuck!" you screamed as you slammed the door open.

"Y/n get over yourself your such a little bitch who can't take the truth!" niall screamed back.

"No niall! you always do this set me up to knock me down do you get some sort of joy by seeing your little sister fail!"

"No! I don't set you up to fail you do it all by yourself!" he shouted, his voice getting a little deeper.

You glared into his eyes pure hate filled you up.

"I hate you! your not even a brother to me your never here anyways!" you screamed at as started punching him.

"Get off me you little brat!" he shouted back slapping you. You grabbed his hair and kicked him as he slapped you and kicked you back.

"I'm glad that I get to go on tour it lets me get away from you!" he shouted again.

you couldn't even say anything, you were too busy trying to kick him in the balls.

"You brat I hate you I actually hate you ever since you were born I've hated you, me and greg!" He screamed as you kicked him in the centre of his balls.

A single tear ran down your face as you marched up stairs. "I hate you too, you've never loved me and I've never loved you!" You screeched back as you kicked close your bedroom door.

"Fuck you all!" you cried. This was the worst fight you and niall had ever had and to hear your brother say them things broke your heart. You knew you shouldn't of said those things aswell but you couldn't stand it that he always loved to see you fail!

Harry 19- You and Harry lived together and you couldn't stand all the mess he made. You decided to confront him.

"Haz, you have gotta start tidying up after yourself!" you said as you wiped the counter down, again!

"It's my house I'll leave it how I want!" you were taken back by his response.

"alright calm down!" you said staring to get more angry.

"We'll I'm just saying it's my house!" he shouted.

"Don't be a dickhead and treat me like that!" you shouted back.

"Pfft I'll treat you how I want your only here so you can clean up!"

After hearing those words you lost!

"Who the fuck do you think you are talking to me like that! you never talk to Gemma like that!" you screamed.

"Yeah that's because Gemma isn't an annoying little brat!" he shouted.

"We'll of I'm that annoying why am I living with you?"

"I don't know it's not as if you are wanted here!"

You slapped him right across the face.

"Y/n!" he shouted back as he kicked you in the leg. You and Harry ended up fighting.

"Your a prick you know the paps are right you are a manwhore!" you screamed punching him in the balls.

"Yeah we'll your a little slut who doesn't even deserve the fame you have gotten, through me!"

You got up off of him and ran to your room. You packed up all your stuff and within hours later you had left.

"Didn't wanna over stay my welcome any more than what I already have!" you said as you walked out of the front door.

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