Your scared

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Niall 13- you laid in the small bed next to the window your brother had set up for you. You were thinking about the fact that your parents sent you to me with your brother due to your lack of behaviour control.
A roll of thunder cracked through the sky and you jumped. Crying silently you decided to go into your older brothers room.
"Niall?" You whispered entering his room.
"what's wrong baby ?" He replied opening his eyes slowly.
"I don't like the thunder!" You admitted feeling a tear run down your face.
"Come here baby get in bed with me!"
You crawled into bed and Niall held you close to him. Your face was tucked into his chest and you could hear him whisper words of your favourite song of his.
"I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth, it's you it's you the add up to"
You fell asleep next to your brother.
"I love you y/n"

Harry 14- you had just started your period and Harry had arranged for everyone to go to the beach. You knew that he wouldn't not let you go so you had no way out.
"Y/n are you ready?" harry asked as he burst through the door.
"Hey why aren't you dressed?"
"I don't wanna go!" You protested.
"What? Come on Y/n it will be fun!" He laughed.
"Harry I can't?"
"Why? Is it because your insecure because if that is the reason then that's stupid!"
"No it's just I'm on my period!" You whispered becoming red in the face instantly.
"Oh baby! You don't have to come" he said finally softening up.
Instead of the beach that day you went to the theme park instead.

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