He accidently realt hurts you

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Niall 16- you and him were arguing constantly throughout the whole week, and today was especially bad.
He had gone into your room when you were away and made a mess.
"Oh really niall!" You shouted down the stairs.
"What now?" he replied.
"Why did you go into my room again, and you made a mess for fucks sake!" You shouted making your way downstairs.
"Sorry I had to sleep in your bed only because mine hasn't been delivered yet!"
"What why do you get a new bed?" You asked anger still in your voice.
"Cause I can afford it!" He laughed, mugging you off.
"You know I'm still trying to get my band up and running why did you have to make that comment" you replied back getting even more furious.
Niall just looked at you and laughed.
"Your such a cock!" You shouted storming out. As you turned around to leave niall grabbed your wrist an pulled you back.
"Why are you such a brat fucking calm down!" He shouted at you.
"Me a brat, your the one who only ever talks about himself and how perfect he an his life is!" You laughed.
"Take that back"
"Make me" you laughed, trying to mug him off.
He quickly grabbed your legs and threw you into the sofa. He jumped on top of you both started to punch and kick each other.
He shoved your head back really hard and you whacked it on the desk. The corner of it went straight into the back of your head.
"Y/n shit!" He gasped.
Tears formed quickly in your eyes and your head started bleeding.
"Niall..." You cried noticing the blood.
"Come here princess" he picked you up bridal style and carried you to his car.
He took you to hospital and you had to get 10 stitches. For the next 2 months all he did was apologise.

Harry 7- You went on tour with him for a few weeks and normally Harry would be so caring and sweet but today he was in a bad mood.
"Hazza!" You called out running down the long corridor.
"Y/n don't run away again it wasn't funny!" He said to you sternly. You nodded and kept quiet just plodding along beside him.
"Ahh" you tripped over and crashed to the floor, as you fell you accidentally took Harry down with you.
You both laid on the ground, Harry more hurt than you.
"You idiot, get up" he shouted. He then grabbed your arm and yanked you up.
"Owww hazza!" You cried. Not only did it hurt being yanked up but he pinched you as we'll.
"What?" He asked confused.
"You hurt me!" You cried.
You pointed to your red bruised arm with nail marks.
"Oh baby I didn't mean to hurt you it's just hazza is having a bad day come here!" He apologised hugging you tightly.

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